As the local election year begins, campaign reports for candidates were required to be filed with the Leon County Supervisor of Elections on January 10, 2022.
Listed below are the contributions and expenditure totals for candidates vying for seats on the Tallahassee City Commission, the Leon County Commission, and the Leon County School Board.
Tallahassee City Commission
The reports for the Tallahassee City Commission candidates show all three incumbents – Jeremy Matlow, Dianne Williams-Cox, and John Dailey – have filed for re-election and each have one opponent.
The closest race in money raised is the seat three contest where challenger David Bellamy has raised $124,525 and Matlow has collected $71,203.

Leon County Commission
The reports for the Leon County Commission candidates show that two incumbents – Nick Maddox and Rick Minor – have filed for re-election and have multiple opponents.
The District 5 race, which has no incumbent with Kristin Dozier choosing not to run for reelection – has drawn five candidates. In the District 1 race there are two candidates and incumbent Bill Proctor has yet to file for re-election.

Leon County School Board
There are three seats up on the Leon County School Board. Only one incumbent – Darryl Jones has filed for re-election in District 3 and he has no opponent.
There is one challenger in District 1 – Anthony DeMarco where incumbent Alva Striplin has not filed for re-election. In District 5, Marcus Nicolas has filed but incumbent Joy Bowen has yet to file for re-election.

Speaking of justice, do you remember the Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby? She has been indicted for perjury and fraud. For some folks, COVID has been a real money maker. Saying crooked politician is being redundant.
Of course my favorite crooked politician is still A.O.C. remember just two years ago she complained that she couldn’t afford to live in D.C. on a rep’s pay…..looks like she figured it out.
@ David. Put as much thoughtful details about the issues that matter on your website. Prepare a good “eyebrow raising” response (minute to minute and 1/2) for each potential question, then tag you response to the questions by directing people to you site for a more detailed position.
In your closing speech, reiterate a version of what you said below… to wit: “Try to answer a question about what you would do to try and lower the Crime Rate or improve the Economy, to eliminate Food Deserts or help the Homeless problem in 2.5 to 3 Minutes. That is why I built my web site”… and ask attendees to please do their “research on every candidate, not just me. This is too important a decision to make based on a 2-minute elevator speech… We need real people with real answers”
@Edward Lyle I hope you are right because, I believe I don’t need any more Money than what I already have in my Account. I just wish the People putting on the Debates would give us more time to answer the Questions. Try to answer a question about what you would do to try and lower the Crime Rate or improve the Economy, to eliminate Food Deserts or help the Homeless problem in 2.5 to 3 Minutes. That is why I built my web site
Although historically an integral part of a public office campaign at any level, what I’ve observed over the past few years here locally is that campaign coffers were/are not the driving factor for the vote getters. Bank all you wish, but I think these upcoming elections will be about issues, positions, and solutions.
I probably disagree with Matlow on every issue, but I’m inclined to vote for the old boy just for exposing Pingree for the monumental buttercup he really is.
That’s gotta be worth at least one vote…
I truly believe that it should not take that much money to run for Local Office. Please do not let the Amount of Money a candidate raises influence your vote. To date, I have $11,000 in my account and, every dime of that came from me personally out of my own Pocket. I feel that it is more than I need to participate in a local election. I have NOT asked for any donations from anyone (not even Friends or Family) for two reasons: First, in this economy, I feel that your money is better off spent on your family, not your candidate, and second, I do not want anyone thinking that I will owe special favors to any donors.
Leon County is my Home and it would be an honor to work for you. A vote for me, IS a Vote for you.
I believe there are going to be some strong conservatives stepping up and getting into some of these races. The red tsunami is here.
Anyone who voted for the infrastructure tax dollars to go to a stadium has already lost their election.
This is good news. Almost every incumbent has at least one challenger. There will be someone to vote for.
I know the challenger might not be great but they will be starting from scratch and will not have any clout. On the other hand, Jack Porter is worse than the incumbent she replaced. But that was a foreseeable outcome because of the endorsements she received.