The Leon County Sheriff’s Office issued a press release on Monday related to the arrest of a Griffin Middle School teacher accused of organizing fights in her classroom. See below.
In addition, the Leon County Schools (LCS) released a statement. “From the outside looking in you can see that her action, or inaction, was just unacceptable at any place in a classroom in Leon County Schools,” said Public Information Officer Chris Petley.
In a statement related to the incident, LCS indicated that he teacher was terminated on March 24. The story was first reported by WCTV on April 8.
The LCS press release stated: “The district was made aware of a situation at Griffin Middle School involving serious allegations of misconduct by a teacher. The teacher involved was immediately terminated (March 24) and Superintendent Hanna requested law enforcement to draw up legal charges related to the incident. The Leon County Sheriff’s Office initiated a criminal investigation which led to the individual’s arrest on April 7.”
LCSO Statement on Griffin Middle School Teacher

Original Story
A Griffin Middle School teacher has been arrested for contributing to the delinquency of minor related to organizing fights in her classroom.
The teacher, Angel Footman, disputes the allegations, but told investigators she failed to call for help or take quick action to stop the altercations or report them to administrators, according to court documents. The arrest was first reported by WCTV.
Footman faces four counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Accord to documents obtained by WCTV, “a School Resource Deputy was alerted on March 24 that students were being allowed to fight in 23-year-old Angel Footman’ classroom. School administrators were also shown videos purported to show several of the alleged fights taking place between March 22 and March 23.”
The documents indicate several sixth-grade girls told detectives that they participated in planned fights during school hours, and they allege they were invited back for additional fights.
The students also reported that Footman made statements including “30 seconds, no screaming, no yelling, no phones.”
Per WCTV, details in a probable cause affidavit state that law enforcement officials reviewed videos and identified Footman sitting on her desk, failing to intervene, and making statements including “no screaming, no nothing” and “stop pulling hair.” The document also said no records of Footman reporting the fights to administrators were found.
An arraignment is scheduled for May 4.
The Leon County School Board recently heard an update on student discipline policies. Leon County School District staff explained to elected officials that teachers are asked to redirect students’ behavior before writing referrals for suspensions.
Those who are posting anti-Rocky Hanna comments need to first know what they are talking about and next, perhaps need to go back to school and learn how to spell! ‘blaim” ?! Geez! Really? Mr. Hannah is a well respected outstanding superintendent as are the majority of our teachers and administrators here in Tallahassee. It’s a shame they are not supported as the professionals they are. Sadly, overloaded with ignorant comments from those who know nothing about teaching. In every profession you will find bad apples. This particular teacher was obviously one of them. Certainly not an example of the exemplary teachers and administrators here in Tallahassee.
WTH……….It is time to clean House and forget about Race for a Change.
More proof that the Leon County Public Indoctrination System and its Stupidintendant are as dangerous to our kids as Biden’s fentanyl-trafficking buddies.
Bye-bye Rocky…
What the heck is going on in Rocky Hanna’s schools? The blaim for however this plays out when all is said and done lands in the laps of idiot Leon/Tallahassee voters who supported the known defective Rocky Hanna with their votes, financial contributions, and support.
Judge Snidely proclaims all idiot Leon/Tallahassee voters – Guilty As Charged and sentences each and every one of you to Do Better!
WCTV posted Angel Footman’s photograph. I bet if she was White, Ben Crump would have had a press conference with Albert Sharpton weeks ago. In the Liberal World it isn’t so much the crime committed. It is all about race.
Watch the Leon Classroom Teachers Assoc. protect her.
Pat A.
Griffin Middle School 1972-1974.