FAMU Demands Inman Johnson “Recall” Racially Divisive Campaign Ad

FAMU Demands Inman Johnson “Recall” Racially Divisive Campaign Ad

The Associate General Counsel for FAMU, David C. Self II, has sent a “Cease and Desist” letter to city commission candidate Dot Inman Johnson related to the use of FAMU trademarks in a political advertisement created and promoted by the campaign to elect Dot Inman-Johnson to the Tallahassee City Commission.

The letter, provided below, asks that Inman Johson “immediately recall this advertisement and all such campaign materials and please immediately discontinue the use of such materials in the campaign.”

The video advertisement features images of the FAMU marching band with African Americans saying Inman Johnson’s opponent – Curtis Richardson – votes against Black people and that it is time for a “cultural shift at city hall.”

The letter also demands that Inman Johnson “immediately remove all images featuring University marks or logotypes as well as images of University personnel in their official capacity(ies) from all of your campaign or promotional materials, offerings and product, including but not limited to all social media sites, internet sites, world wide web sites, print publications and any and all other media.”


FAMU Cease and Desist Letter

12 Responses to "FAMU Demands Inman Johnson “Recall” Racially Divisive Campaign Ad"

  1. @Jimtopia:
    I’ll be down at Gaines Street Pies real soon to pick up my pizza…please hold the onions Mr. Matlow.

  2. Just Say No… to Pizza Boy Matlow’s attempts to take over and destroy our City with his cabal of Pro-Hamas, Anti-Democracy, Progressive Lunatics.

  3. @Dennis the group of young white men that run Dot’s campaign love to speak for black community members and continue to pit blacks against blacks when electioneering.

  4. This demonstrates the lack of ethics and decorum within the Inman-Johnson campaign and candidate. She purports herself to be an experienced leader and politician and yet makes a “rookie” mistake? This is so flagrant FAMU recognizes the infringement and wants to distance themself from the toxic ad.

    Shameful and indicative of just being a puppet for the California progressive funded PAC. This is definitively NOT more of what our city needs.

  5. @Jimtopia … Good call, if you want Tally to be Portland of The East. Matlow, Porter, Inman-Johnson will push the City’s crime numbers back-up by cutting police funding, kill efforts to expand the private sector (just look at Matlow’s attacks of the Tallahassee Chamber), and Dot offers grandiose plans, but no way to pay for them. But, yeah, hold your nose and help make it happen.

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