Based on votes by the current city commissioners and the nomination process, Tabitha Frazier is the odds on favorite to be selected on December 31st to replace Scott Maddox on the Tallahassee City Commission.
Frazier was the only applicant to receive support from three city commissioners. They were City Commissioners Jeremy Matlow, Dianne Williams-Cox, and Curtis Richardson.
A review of her application, comments by supporters, and her social media posts indicate why her favorite status is not surprising. Frazier, out of the public spotlight, has chalked up a reservoir of support from grass-root activists through a high level of community engagement.
Her social media footprint documents her passion for family and the Tallahassee community.
However, Frazier’s social media also documents her disdain for Republicans, and more specifically, President Trump. Over the last six months she has weighed-in on a number of issues using language that paints a broad brush and leaves little room for discourse.
Family and Community

Frazier graduated from Lincoln High School in 1995 and then attended and graduated from Florida State University in 2001 with a BS in Environmental Studies. In 2005 she received a MS degree in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of Florida.
Frazier currently serves on the Leon County Soil and Water Conservation District. She was appointed in 2011 and was subsequently elected to the position in 2012 and 2016. The position is non-paying and provides her an opportunity to be involved with her interest in the environment.
She wrote in her cover letter to the city commission that “My husband and I have chosen to build our lives in Tallahassee and it’s my hope that our children will also choose to make Tallahassee their permanent home.”
She and her husband are parents to three children and she has served on the Gilchrist Elementary School Advisory Council (SAC) since 2011.
Frazier lists as her accomplishments the creation of the Leon Fruit and Nut Exchange and the development of an urban gleaning program that provides food to some of the most vulnerable and underserved citizens.
Also, Ms. Frazier obtained tax exempt status and founded a not-for-profit business, Leon Trees, Inc., dedicated to protecting and improving the “urban forest that gives Tallahassee its sense of place.”
City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow – who was the only city commissioner to post on Facebook his rationale for each of his selections – wrote that Frazier “ has been actively engaged in our community as both an elected official on the Soil & Water Conservation District and as a community leader…I believe she would make a fine Commissioner. “
Matlow also nominated Dr. Howard Kessler and Dr. Bruce Strouble.
Politics and Partisanship
Frazier is also active in political circles. She served as committeewoman for the Leon County Democratic Party from 2012-2016 and has donated money to the the local Democratic Party and other local Democratic candidates.
For example, she supported Matlow during his run for city commission and held a fundraiser for his campaign.
She is also active on her Facebook account with regards to politics. TR’s review of approximately 10 posts on her account over the last six months discovered several derogatory social media posts that take aim at Republicans and President Donald Trump.
The posts often refer to a policy or action by President Trump and then include Frazier’s assessment which, many times, includes broad attacks on anyone that supports President Trump.
For example, one of Frazier’s shared posts was a cartoon that referenced the legitimacy of Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the US Supreme Court. The cartoon depicts a man -who is labeled a Republican – assaulting a blindfolded woman.
In another post, Frazier shares a story from the Baltimore Sun and proclaims that “America’s racist all support Trump.”
And in a post on October 2, 2018, Frazier’s disagreement over a policy change is posted with this comment: “It’s Sh*t like this …..Only terrible people support this Republican administration.”
The Trump policy amended and updated a change that was instituted by the Obama administration in 2009.
Facebook posts have become a part of the electoral process. During the last election cycle a local candidate was called out by the Tallahassee Democrat and several opinion writers based on Facebook posts that were viewed as derogatory toward Muslims and President Obama.
What impact will these posts have on Frazier’s candidacy for a non-partisan position in a mostly Democratic town?
City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow told TR that “expressions on social media will be one factor I use to rank [the] nine highly qualified applicants. However, I refuse to hold any candidate to a higher standard than our President.”
Daniel Parker, a self-described progressive and a TR contributor, said that “there is nothing wrong with being in a position of leadership and showing some emotion, even bluntness, though I think she’ll need to be more cognizant of some of this moving forward. She and others are still a clear upgrade to the public trust over Maddox. ”
TR posed the following questions to Ms. Fraizer:
Based on the partisan nature of a number of your Facebook posts, what can you say to assure Tallahassee Republicans – which is about 30% of the population – you will be open and respectful to their concerns as a city commissioner?
As a city commissioner, will you continue to post political comments consistent in tone with the ones you have posted in the past?
We will post her comments when they are received.
Other Frazier Facebook posts are listed below:
Lets do the math. FSU – Bobby = Taggart +? ( 21 million • ( 5 – 6 ) ) – the fan base / divided by losing seasons x 2?
City – ( Maddox+ Gillum carry the midget ) = Tabitha + carbon tax = Sanctuary City
It doesn’t take a climate scientist to predict that we will be completely under water by the end of 2020.
On the bright side while this will make it harder to hang we’ll probably get to see a cow on a roof.
Year of the Pig Baby !!!! Yee Ha Thats how we roll. Gathering steam. Like a snowball to hell.
Let’s implement the barter system and go with an economy based on fruits and nuts. We won’t have to worry about money because that will all go to taxes to pay the interest on the Debt of Gratitude
Sleep next to your iPod and let it all slip away. Power to the pronouns. A world without borders. Su casa est mi Casa. Implants for everyone. A brave new world where you have the right to choose to be whoever and whatever you want to be as long as it’s compliant. Certain rules may apply. Your mileage may vary. Well not milage. Because you won’t be going anywhere. That would make it more difficult to harvest those votes and organs. You’ll have your own vat for a while at least until they can find a donor.
Better update your social media so that IPhone attached to your face will be better able to shove it down your throat until there’s a democrat inside all of us just waiting to burst out and scurry off into some dark corner of the machine. Lets call the next movie Child Predator. Or In Tallahassee 1 in 300. Check the map at TalGov. Your tax dollars at work. Be inclusive. Think of them as registered voters.
Let’s crap in the street not from disease or parasites but for the sheer joy of it. At least its for a good cause, Lets pass it as an admendment to promote voluntary contributions to the environment. Those trees aren’t going to fertilize themselves. Think of it as investment in the future. Imagine how valuable the fruits and nuts exchange fruits will be in a world without poisonous carbon dioxide, or the birds and the bees. They’ll be worth more than gold.
You’re a good man Soylent Green.
Such foul mouthed hateful language from young Tabitha.
And she wants to be our city commissioner? She may have rigged this appointment, but she’ll have to get votes sooner or later.
“The Leon fruit and nut exchange”… that is priceless
“Leon Fruit and Nut Exchange”
Gee that describes just about everyone in “cough” ‘leadership positions’ in Tallahassee/Leon.
Mr. Hunter, that was priceless and so sadly accurate. As the sayimg goes, brevity is the soul of wit!
My name is Natasha Nunley, I was one of the 93 applicants and I plan on being there tomorrow to witness this process first hand.
How about mental health testing? When a potential future city representative makes statements that “all Republicans are racist”, or post articles about “the angry white male”, and then further states, “only terrible people support this Republican administration” shouldn’t we be demanding more? I always thought the commissioners were supposed to be a reflection of everyone’s voice; not just the voices of a few. We cannot let hatred on either side be known as the voice of our city. I plan to attend the commission meeting on Monday and let my voice be heard. How about you?
Can anyone here tell me what kind of background checks the nine *appointee* candidates go through? Is there any drug testing, criminal history checking and / or polygraph testing? I mean, why should these appointees receive less vetting than other City hirees? Can we not demand the Manager conduct a full vetting equal that of ranking employees with the City?
Mr. Matlow has sealed his reputation as just another corrupt and partisan COT insider, countering any of his lofty campaign claims of wanting to actually “improve” Tallahassee. He chooses a candidate who clearly backed his campaign and evidently “ranked” in her social media posts “higher than our president” in his estimation – and that is his “objective” value rating of her qualifications. I wonder if her posts had been anti-obama-clinton and pro-Conservative, would Matlow and the other “commissioners” have been so quick to choose her? Matlow will work for his own interests and his own personal enrichment, just as the COT insiders did before him. I’m happy that the FBI is here and watching, I’m hoping they’ll be setting up shop here for years to come.
As I’ve said before many times here at TR, Northeast Tallahassee should secede from Tallahassee and form our own city with our own government – only then will we escape the downtown corruption that permeates this town – just as the Atlanta suburbs seceded from Atlanta in 2005.
All of this is very concerning and quite disturbing. I’ve been following dialog on Erwin Jackson’s facebook page ( where Tabitha Frazier is a friend of his and can see his posts). A mutual friend of both Tabitha’s and Mr. Jackson steps up on Mr. Jackson’s post of this article by TR and disputes Mr. Jackson’s legitimate questions regarding Ms. Frazier’s ability to hold this position. The mutual friend wants to set up a meet and greet with Ms. Frazier and Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson has prior plans and can’t meet immediately with Ms. Frazier and simply asked that Ms. Frazier address the questions, openly in public. The mutual friend is not agreeable to this request. Here is my take on this. I would like to see her answer the questions publicly as I don’t see how any credible, honest person would object. She certainly was not shy in posting all of her hatred for Republicans and our President openly on social media. As a Conservative Republican I was very unhappy with the Obama Presidency, yet I managed for 8 ( very long) years to act my age and respect the office of the President of the United States and refrained from bashing him and those who voted for him. Ms. Frazier should have done the same in her response to her disapproval of the current Administration. Her true colors and lack of moral character have been exposed. If she really loves our community, she would immediately withdraw her application for this position. She has clearly proven she has no desire to serve ALL of the citizens of Tallahassee.
Calm down, Tabitha.
LOL, good one, Hope!!!
My goodness, the snowflakes are all in a flutter over someone’s Facebook posts. I hope ya’ll don’t melt! And here I was thinking that people liked the Cheeto Commander because he ‘spoke bluntly’ and was not politically correct. I guess it only works if he is saying things that fit your world view like:
‘Grab ’em by the xxxx’ or ‘xxxx countries’, or ‘little Adam Schitt’ or ‘I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding’ (Obama’s birth certificate, LOL), or ‘I have no business deals in Russia’, or ‘#ReleaseTheRetardedMemo’. (ROFL)
Get a grip, trumpflakes, *most people who live in non-rural areas hate Trump and vote Democratic*. Why not move to Wakula or some other backwater if you want representation that aligns with your views so badly? Because if you live in anywhere that has a non-negligible population density, you are going to be out numbered by people who think Trump is a dumpster fire of national embarrassment at best, and a threat to the country, world, and possibly the moon, at worst.
Hey, I wonder if Tabitha’s charity is being legally disbanded due to chronic violations of the law? See anything like that on Facebook? How is it going with Mexico paying for that wall again? Pretty much coming along great, right?
Trumpflakes? Lol.
Now here’s a real ‘flake:
Sounds like he has a future as a city commissar here, if he moves south.
@NewsMaven –
You aren’t wrong! I think this guy got fired, as he should have been.
That being said, the point remains that the posters here are so upset that someone who thinks the current administration policies are repugnant and had the gall to post those thoughts to Facebook might get a seat on the commission strikes me as extremely selective processing. The President talked about grabbing women by the genitals, and there was no outrage here, or anywhere in the conservative space. The President constantly talked about birthergate when Obama was President, and there was no outrage in this space, or anywhere in the conservative movement. The President made puerile jokes about Adam Schiff’s name and nobody here cared. It is the height of hypocrisy and you are part of it.
How’s is going with Mexico building the wall again? I forgot!
Good evening, former mayor. I see that you’ve managed (with help) some semblance of spelling with your nom de plume. However, simply parroting the same tired rants that CNN drones out daily is boring – you should try submitting some “news” stories for them with your cogent findings. You’re at least as qualified and repetitive as any of their reporters. Also, “outnumbered” is one word, not two, and “Wakulla” is spelled with two L’s. If you’re going to insult, at least use proper grammar.
Good luck and Happy New Year to you and your family.
Thanks Mike!
What has gotten boring is the outright hypocrisy on display here, and everywhere in the conservative space. We’ve become immune to conservatives being intellectually and morally inconsistent and it drives me crazy.
Tabitha put some stuff on Facebook you guys don’t like. I get it. But to get outraged about it seems pretty thin skinned when you compare it to what *our actual President* does and has been doing for years now.
Here’s puerile tweet that the President put into the official Presidential record regarding Adam Schiff (
Where was the conservative outrage on a lack of decency?
Do you want me to link to the audio of the President’s ‘locker room talk’ about grabbing women by the genitals? You know that happened, right? The fact is, nobody in the conservative side gave half a care about that, but when Tabitha has posted memes to Facebook, the entire world is coming apart at the seams for you guys.
That is galling hypocrisy, and my grammar or spelling issues don’t detract from the cognitive dissonance on display by most of the posters here. You live in a democratic republic where people that you don’t like get elected sometimes, but you don’t seem to be able to handle that reality based on how people are reacting on this site. When *your* guy gets elected and openly advocates a Senate seat go to someone who literally was banned from malls for hitting on fourteen year old children, where was the conservative outrage, here or elsewhere? There was none, because the right only cares about morality if the person has a ‘D’ next to their name on the ballot. If you don’t want to be insulted with poor grammar, try being more consistent with your outrage.
Happy new year!
You are saying that Trump’s behavior legitimizes similar behavior by Democrats. To criticize Trump and then defend similar behavior by a Democrat is also hypocrisy. The Tallahassee Democrat exposed derogatory facebook posts about President Obama by a conservative judicial candidate and then published several opinion pieces just before the election. It is important to hold people accountable. Ms. Frazier has the right to post what she wants, but we all must demand better from our leaders. The local city commission is a good place to start.
Hi Steve Stewart –
“You are saying that Trump’s behavior legitimizes similar behavior by Democrats. ”
Not at all. I’m saying that the hypocrisy of being outraged by one, but not the other, bothers me a lot. The current President has been a complete embarrassment in terms of civility, and nobody on the conservative side gives a hoot because they got a marginal tax gain and set of right wing judge appointments.
And, I’m saying that what the current President does makes what was posted on Tabitha’s Facebook timeline look like Bible School. Didn’t David Duke come out in support of Trump? Didn’t Trump come out and say on national television that there were great people protesting in Charlottesville? Who do you think Richard Spenser voted for? Then Tabitha has the gall to say that Racists support Trump. So what’s the problem?
“Ms. Frazier has the right to post what she wants, but we all must demand better from our leaders”
Fair enough. So tell me, where is anyone in the conservative space demanding better from the President? The only place I’ve seen it on this site is on posts by Parker, at which point he is immediately jumped by a series of posters attacking him.
“The local city commission is a good place to start.”
Hopefully, the three commissioners who are responsible for moving your application forward will withdraw it.
Your Facebook posts are too extreme for you to be in a position that you have to serve ALL of the people. There is just no way around that. Your temperament is too radical for you to be in this position.
Secondly, if the Commissioners do not withdraw your name or you do not withdraw yourself please come forward with all the documentation regarding your $50,000 grant and be prepared to account for every penny of it.
Also, did you contribute to all three commissioners and the mayor’s campaign?
The Tallahassee city government needs to have a better way to vet applicants.
“Hopefully, the three commissioners who are responsible for moving your application forward will withdraw it.”
LOL. I am not Tabitha.
“Also, did you contribute to all three commissioners and the mayor’s campaign?”
Good question. One way to help alleviate potential problems in this area would be to support public financing of elections along and campaign finance reform. I am with you on this!
“The Tallahassee city government needs to have a better way to vet applicants.”
OK. I believe, in this instance, time was a factor, as the Governor would be able to make an appointment if one was not selected relatively rapidly. I have no doubt this might have pleased you, but existing protocols were followed. (I think).
Deep – You’re trying to equate two totally different circumstances as being the same, which is a complete failure of your premise. Regarding Pres.Trump speaking in a supposedly private conversation with a supposed friend YEARS AGO and making an admittedly immature and inappropriate comment (the “genital” remark you’re so invested in) that was secretly taped by this “friend” and released later (to a media ravenous to destroy Trump) has NO equivalence to a candidate who posts profane and radical opinions on her social media (hardly a private conversation) within the last few months or so. Tabitha recently blaring her profane garbage out on the internet to millions has NO equivalency to a private remark between two people made in a years-ago conversation.
As for Mr. Schiff, he has been insulting and accusing Mr. Trump since the day he was elected, and Mr. Trump finally responds by hitting back. Not only does Schiff deserve it, he can’t seem to take any of what he likes to dish out on Twitter. Pres. Trump is a fighter, and if Schiff attacks him on Twitter, then Schiff better be prepared to take attacks himself, teen-level or otherwise. I don’t see anywhere that Ms. Tabitha has been personally insulted or attacked by Pres. Trump or Brett Kavanaugh on social media, but she has no reservations posting her profane remarks about them, or any Trump voter.
In Tabitha’s book, any “white male” or “republican” is deserving of punishment and “social justice” just for being born a skin color or voting for Trump – she plainly states that in her social media. That’s just cause for any elected or appointed official in this town or any other to be disqualified. How can any rational person think Tabitha’s outspoken and embedded prejudice and hatred will not be carried out in her conduct as a commissioner? Obviously at least three COT commissioners lack that ratiional ability. It’s amazing anyone would support her candidacy, let alone try to defend her
Your mind is made up and you make assertions for which you’ve already dictated the outcome, true or not. Troll as you like, you’re making no difference.
Hi Mike –
“You’re trying to equate two totally different circumstances as being the same, which is a complete failure of your premise.”
I get it. Joking about grabbing women by the genitals in private doesn’t make you a hideous person. You probably do it all the time in private.
Hey, remember the time he went on Howard Stern publicly talked about how great it was to be able to walk backstage at the Miss Universe Paegent?
Totally not creepy at all. Just the kind of thing you or I would do and brag about, right?
Having affairs with multiple women doesn’t make you despicable at all. Hey, remember when Trump insisted he never paid Stormy Daniels, or any other women he totally never had an affair with? I do! Oops, now it was a completely ‘civil matter’. I don’t care if it was a campaign finance violation per se, because it is just another example of conservative hypocrisy in the space of defending their own.
Can you imagine the conservative outrage if Obama had admitted to paying off multiple women to keep his affairs quiet? The morality police at Fox news would have had aneurysms!
Can you imagine the outrage if Obama’s charity foundation was literally shut down through legal means for chronic violations of law?
Remember when Trump made fun of a disabled person at a rally? (video available!)
That’s the problem, Mike, The well on which I can draw real world, deeply morally repugnant behavior by the President is nearly limitless and it bounces off you, or any ‘conservative’, but you seem to find energy to get juiced up because someone posted stuff on Facebook. That is the hypocrisy.
“NO equivalence to a candidate who posts profane and radical opinions on her social media (hardly a private conversation) within the last few months or so”
Did she post something profane? The parts that disagreed with your worldview? I personally don’t think that everyone who voted Trump is a racist, but I do think that racists overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Who did David Duke endorse? How did Richard Spenser feel about Trump’s election? What a crazy coincidence!
“As for Mr. Schiff, he has been insulting and accusing Mr. Trump since the day he was elected, and Mr. Trump finally responds by hitting back.”
You are in a for a few years of uproariously bad news once Schiff can start holding open sessions and putting subpoenas on the President’s desk! But just for kicks, can you link me some instances where Schiff ‘insulted’ the President? I’d love to see it!
“I don’t see anywhere that Ms. Tabitha has been personally insulted or attacked by Pres. Trump or Brett Kavanaugh on social media, but she has no reservations posting her profane remarks about them, or any Trump voter.”
Trump and Kavanaugh are nationally public figures and as such are subject to different levels of attention. Did you know that? Finding oxygen to slam Tabitha seems to be about what Trump has time for these days with all of his ‘executive time’, it would not surprise me. We’ve got time.
“In Tabitha’s book, any “white male” or “republican” is deserving of punishment and “social justice” just for being born a skin color or voting for Trump – she plainly states that in her social media. ”
Well, if social justice entails being called out for intellectual bankruptcy for voting for someone plainly unqualified for the most important job on the planet, I’d tend to agree with her. Calling them all racists? I wouldn’t agree with that, but plenty are. Broad brushes are bad.
I guess I’d need to see some specifics regarding what other ‘social justice’ she would recommend before making more statements. I personally don’t recommend any actual punishment, other than shaming. Maybe you could give me some examples that are terrifying?
“How can any rational person think Tabitha’s outspoken and embedded prejudice and hatred will not be carried out in her conduct as a commissioner? ”
I guess I don’t see how she is supposed to carry out policies that forward ’embedded prejudice and hatred’ from a seat on the city commission. (?) What positions do you think she might vote for that could allow her to exercise those positions?
” It’s amazing anyone would support her candidacy, let alone try to defend her”
In any case, where did I support her again? I’m more like attacking the hypocrisy of people who see red when they viewed her Facebook page, but turn a blind eye at the current state of conservative doublethink. I think she’d be just as shitty a city commissioner as anyone else on the list if that makes you feel better.
“Troll as you like, you’re making no difference.”
LOL. How long until Mexico pays for that wall again?
Perhaps your feverish keyboard work elicits results somewhere, makes no difference here. Pres. Trump shows no sign of wear for all of the MSM’s and Mueller’s frantic attacks, and we shall see what 2019 brings – I doubt the MSM will be gratified as they expect.
Meanwhile here in Tally, TR is firmly established and quoted in national media, and will continue to report on matters that City Hall would rather have unknown.
I cannot find any Form 990’s for the non-profit “Leon Fruit and Nut Exchange”. Before considering Ms. Frasier, I want to know whether she has received personally any of the $50K grant. While the non-profit may be small enough so that she doesn’t have to file the Form 990, I wonder why she didn’t chose to do it anyway, given it is her non-profit and the money was grants of government funds.
This would be a great question for the three commissioners who nominated her and were supposed to vet her.
What say you commissioners?
Ms Palmer asks a very important question that needs to be answered immediately.
In addition I would like to see all the ingoing and outgoing financials to account for every penny of the $50,000 grant.
I hope it didn’t go to political contributions.
The city is about to move even further to the left if that is possible.
As someone who has personally known Tabitha for almost 20 years, this is a mistake. She will argue with anyone who has a viewpoint other than her own. Her Facebook posts are mild and tame compared to what she will say when you disagree with her view. This is NOT what the City needs especially after all this corruption.
According to Mayor Dailey when he was interviewed by Preston Scott, he was looking for a candidate who:
• Wants someone who is passionate about the community
• Wants someone who has something to contribute as a commissioner
• Someone who will give 150%-critical
• Someone who will stand up for what they believe regardless and will still shake hands when it is over
• Want to serve the community
• Leaning toward someone with no experience
The local rag’s story on the finalists is laughable. It celebrates their so-called diversity.
As if!
They could nominate five elves and three reindeer, but in the end if the ninth was already pre-selected by the majority, the other finalists are just for show.
The lead paragraph you won’t see Jan. 1:
“Citing a need for diversity, the four liberal Democrat city commissioners chose a foul-mouthed longtime former party committeewoman, Trump hater and Matlow pay-for-play campaigner for the open seat.”
I wonder if she hopes to set an example for her children?
Oh, and the local rag’s story yesterday said Frazier has already resigned from the Soil and Water job.
So it’s a done deal, and next Monday’s meeting is just for show.
Madame Taint – ever the puppet master.
That Tallahassee calls the City Commission seats nonpartisan is a joke. It is time for single member districts and term limits for the city and count commission. Once these jokers get elected it is next to impossible to unseat them in Tallahassee. Fiscal conservatives (Democrat and Republican) are the minority in Tallahassee and they should have a place at the table. Something needs to be done. We need more diversity of ideas in our local government.
This is excellent reporting I knew there would be curruption in the commissioner selection.
“Extreme partisanship?” C’mon, Catherine.
So the lady posted some national shit you don’t like. So what? Half the country is divided to one side or another. I’ve seen far worse on both sides.
No need to alledge the commissioners want partisanship just because you weren’t selected.
Thank you for yet another example of what is wrong in politics and what we don’t want.
I was warned about extreme partisanship…anything that would be divisive. My comments aren’t based on my not being selected. My comments are based on what I was told compared to what I am observing. This city commission is supposed to bring the people of Tallahassee together in one of our most difficult times. The number 1 pick doesn’t reflect their sentiments. Enough of the partisan politics!
Frazier is not yet ready for primetime and it is disappointing that commissioner Matlow is starting out his political career by voting for a special interest. I thought this was the very thing he was trying to stop.
When you use language like Frazier uses in public comments … derogatory, biased, offensive, and vulgar –this is not what Tallahassee needs; it is quite the opposite.
This decision will define these commissioners, as to their integrity and political careers.
They must do better and step outside the box, step outside their comfort zone, and realize there’s a world of Integrity outside their Democratic circle.
When a pilot flies his plane it doesn’t matter if he is a Democrat or Republican, all that matters is that he is qualified and has the appropriate temperament.
Thank you Steve for this enlightenment and this information should disqualify Frazier from further consideration on her temperament alone.
If she is selected there will be no doubt that the same mentality will continue. Ms. Frazier does not have the ethical stature nor the maturity to hold this seat and work for the will of the people. She clearly shows she will ride on only one side of the fence and do so with disdain.
You think a couple hundred bucks could buy Matlow, who owns $4 million worth of real estate on Gaines Street?
Get real.
The amount of cash spent is irrelevant or real estate owned! It’s about you scratch my back, and I will scratch yours translation – the FIX was in!
Real estate holdings are irrelevant as is the price of tea in China.
Matlow picked an applicant who gave a fundraiser for him and contributed money to him, recently.
That is a special interest, pay-for-play, and could be the beginning of outright bribery.
Googled “Mayor Daley and patronage” and this came up:
“CHICAGO, July 6 — A jury convicted four former city officials here on corruption charges Thursday, sending a resounding message, prosecutors said, that City Hall’s legendary patronage machine should come to a halt.
After a six-week trial and three and a half days of deliberations, the jury of 10 men and 2 women agreed with the federal government’s argument that the city’s longtime practice of awarding jobs and promotions to politically connected candidates and campaign workers was a crime.
Led by the office of Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the United States attorney here and also the special prosecutor in the C.I.A. leak case in Washington, prosecutors attacked what they called a “corrupt clout machine” that orchestrated a fraud in city hiring and promotions.
“I think what we saw in this case was the revealing of the Chicago machine, the inner workings of the Chicago machine,” said S. Jay Olshansky, the jury foreman. “There clearly is one. It has been in existence for quite some time.”
I was one of the 93 who submitted my cover letter and resume for Seat 1. I met with Commissioner Matlow and spoke via phone with Commissioner Williams-Cox. Both of these commissioners informed me of their intention of investigating my social media accounts.Evidently, they wanted divisiveness along with extreme partisanship that comes with Tabitha Frazier. It was my mistake thinking they wanted someone who had the ability to work across the aisle and had a clean FB page.
Matlow’s pick clearly for campaign fundraising and support. What did the other two Commish get for their political partonage support? Clearly the fix is in! Despicable and shameful!
Love the quote ” the rage of white men, upper class as well as working class… And that rage may destroy America as we know it” . For a minute I thought of Rocky Hanna silencing the teacher he dated when he was the Principal of Leon High then having her transfered with a settlement when she called off the relationship…let’s also mention from her affidavit that “Rocky followed me home in a drunken stupor” The silence of Republicans toward Trump is matched by the silence of the School Board to Rocky Hanna We enable bullies on all levels.