Tallahassee Reports has requested the current COVID-19 hospitalization numbers from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (TMH) and Capital Regional Medical Center (CRMC) on a regular basis since June 1st.
As of Monday morning, June 29th, the hospitals reported a total of 15 COVID-19 patients. TMH reported 10 patients and CRMC reported 5.
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The chart below tracks the number of COVID-19 patients in TMH and CRMC since June 1st.
The recent increase comes amid an increase in positive cases in Leon County. Reports indicate approximately 200 new cases in Leon County over the last three days.
Dr. Dean Watson, VP and Chief Integration Officer at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (TMH), recently shared detailed information about COVID-19 and stated that the key indicators are hospitalization and mortality, not the number of positive tests.

@China hawk,
Which nations have conquered COVID? Can you provide evidence of the claim that “every other industrialized (and many non-industrialized) nations have conquered COVID spread with social programs and lockdowns”?
The only thing that aids China is Trump and America’s abysmal COVID response. They don’t have to send a single bomb, while our cases multiply exponentially, closing businesses, and killing hundreds of thousands, while every other industrialized (and many non-industrialized) nations have conquered COVID spread with social programs and lockdowns. Their businesses aren’t suffering.
Pathetic, really.
Don’t buy the lies folks… It’s really a simple matter of 1+1=2… an Occam‘s razor scenario, if you will. Get ready for round two…
~ What impedes China’s goal of world economic and military dominance, power, and control?… America’s economy and President Trump’s “America First” policies.
~ What impedes the Democrat’s goal of returning to dominance, power, and control of America?… America’s economy and President Trump’s “America First” policies.
~ What do the two aforementioned entities have in common, in order to achieve their respective goals?… the destruction of America’s economy and President Trump’s “America First” policies.
If you think that China, Democrats, and Establishment RINOs are above colluding to achieve their mutual goal – no matter the cost to life and liberty – then you’re dangerously naïve. Wake up America. It’s happening right in front of our eyes.
Still a third as many deaths in FL from the Wuhanvirus as from alcohol every year. Ban alcohol!
The Stable Genius hunkered down in The Bunker says the reason so many Americans are dying is cuz China heard about the bounty the Russians put on American lives…