The Florida Department of Education release of 2019 school grades show that for the fourth year in a row Leon County Schools earned a B.
From a state-wide perspective, the 2019 data shows that 24 districts received an A, 30 districts received a B, and 13 districts earned a C.
Overall, across all LCS grade groups, twelve of the schools listed below improved, while five schools regressed.
Elementary Schools
Listed below is a table listing grades for the last three years for the twenty-two elementary schools.
Key Takeways:
- For 2019 there were 6 A’s, 4 B’s, 10 C’s, 2 D’s and no F’s. In 2018 there were 6 A’s, 2 B’s, 8 C’s, 5 D’s, and 1 F.
- Nine schools improved their grade when compared to 2018, while three schools – Riley, W T Moore, and Chaires – regressed.
- Pineview, with a new principal in 2018, jumped from an F to C.
- Four D schools improved to C schools.
- Five schools are still listed in the states 300 lowest performing elementary schools. The list is based on a three year average. They are Pineview, Bond, Riley, Hartsfield and Oak Ridge.

Middle Schools
Listed below is a table listing grades for the last three years for eleven middle schools.
Key Takeways:
- For 2019 there were 3 A’s, 3 B’s, 4 C’s, and 1 D. In 2018 there were 3 A’s, 2 B’s, and 6 C’s.
- Two schools improved (Sail -B, Fairview-B) their grade when compared to 2018, while two schools lost a letter grade (RAA – C, Griffin -D).
*Woodville and Fort Braden reflect K-8 grades

High Schools
Listed below is a table listing grades for the last three years for five high schools.
Key Takeways:
- The grades for high schools have been stable of the last three years. Last year there were 2 A’s, 1 B, and 2 C’s.
- In 2019, Rickards moved from a C to a B.

SAIL is not a middle school. Charter schools are public schools and need to be included. Accuracy is the bedrock of believable journalism.
Woodville has had an elementary school since the 1800’s! How could you miss that school?
Maybe if Jimbo was concerned about his school instead of working on the commission they would have a better grade.
This is based on FSA scores not grades in the grade book.
Does anyone look at the data for the percent of students scoring at the Lowest Levels at the highest poverty schools? Look at the per percent of students scoring Level 1 and 2 at Rickards, Godby, Riley, Bond, Pineview, Nims and Griffin. Take a win on grades, but for the sake of students focus on the huge achievement gaps. I heard Rocky “hit man” Hanna gloat the district was 1 point from a A. Hey Rocky and minions , tell that to the families of the students who scored FSA Level 1 and 2. Hanna never misses an opportunity to divert the conversation from the real issues. From dating teachers he supervised which is against Florida Ethics for Educators, to reporting purposely misleading information to state and federal authorities costing taxpayers $600,000, Rocky never missed an opportunity to do everything in his power to hide his faults/wrongdoing to gather sympathy from others. Now that schools have grades what is the plan to close the ever widening achievement gap? By the way if you are a special needs student in a high poverty school Hanna ignores you completely.
For Joanne-what does any of that have to do with the FSA results? If students are showing learning gains… that means that they are indeed learning.
Please review your source of information a learning gain is a small increase that means you are still behind. Look at the incredibly large number of students who were Level 1 last year in the highest achievement gaps schools, then look at the percent proficienct. Leon County has one of the largest achievement gaps in the state for high risk students and students with disabilities. Rather than a cheer from Rocky or a press release from Petley how about an accountable plan of action? Rocky hates accountability, given what he has gotten away with from breaking the educator code of ethics, hiding from parental responsibility, falsifying information to state and federal authorities.
How does Virtual School rate? Most online reports suggest it is the top high school in Leon county.
If you compare the 2019 grades to the 2017 grades there are just a few fluctuations to the point where its even or slightly less. So it looks like the gains are just getting back to where they used to be before the losses in 2018. It would be interesting to look back even further to 2015 and 2016. Its great that there is improvement in one of the underperforming schools but more needs to be done to help the disadvantaged schools. Also, Rickards and Fairview have IB, so if the in zone kids were being directed out to homeschool that would have helped the grade. To Harry’s question, I think Arts and Sciences was A and B, Math and Sciences was A, Governors C(?) and FSUS A. I don’t know what the FAMU Research school was.
You are right Mimi! More does need to be done. Pineview just hosted an event Wednesday night for about 100 people who have committed to mentoring our students for the year. This event is “Quest 360: Search for the Next Great Mentor”. We are very excited about what this program may mean for our sweet students. If you have 30 minutes to an hour a month and would like to come and support our school, then please go to the LCS website and sign up for mentor training and complete a volunteer application and lets watch our scores go up again for 19-20. Check out our Facebook page to see all the great things Pineview has been up to this year.
Well you do know that title 1 funds are supposed to PAY for mentors and that the school district is not to rely on the “kindness of strangers” to help low income kids. The federal government gives them money specifically for that purpose. But that money is being diverted to other things like furniture and tablets for administrators and the most able students. Why don’t you go to the superintendent and his leadership and demand that these kids get that to which they are entitled. That is what needs to be done to start. I only know this because I spoke to people in the community who were mentors, were and are fully engaged in the issues that affect our south side students and understand the hypocrisy. Maybe the board should look into this.
So they should be paying for someone to come and eat lunch with our kids once a month and INVEST in the future? Seriously. There are paid tutors and perhaps paid mentors, but we’re just asking for people in the community to show the “kindness of strangers” to our kids once a month for lunch. Not buy their lunch, mind you, but spend TIME with them. If we had to pay them to do this, how do you think those children would feel when they found out. As far as tablets and furniture go, I don’t know anything about that, but the kids at Pineview are loved, treated with respect and above all else, they are learning. Test scores prove it. Why don’t you show some kindness and come mentor one of ours. We’d love to have you!
Go to FLDOE website and it has the scores from the first FCAT test.
Yes, schools improve when you give extra credit for bringing supplies, get sorta’ open book tests, get to turn in homework late…and later, and the Grading scale is constantly lowered. It’s all about this!! Not actually having children learn. Sorry to my wonderful Teacher-friends who try so hard.
What does any of that have to do with the FSA results? If students are showing learning gains… that means that they are indeed learning.
*Why aren’t the charter schools and schools like FSUS listed in this report? Can they be included in their own group so we can see how they did compared to the public schools?
You are missing Leon County Virtual School. They have an A too, for 5 straight years.
Why are the charter schools and FSUS listed in this report?
We are so proud of our amazing faculty, students and most especially our Administration for the awesome gains Pineview made this year. Thanks to a hard-working group of dedicated adults and some pretty cool kids, we did the unthinkable. From an F to a C with brand new administration!! Just shows what you can do when you make your mind up!! Congratulations to my Pineview Family!! YOU ALL ROCK!!