Each year the City of Tallahassee provides grants to local agencies that address priorities in the community. The City has $1,139,102 budgeted for 27 outside agencies in FY20, an increase over FY19’s $1,017,202. See full list below.
The Community Human Services Partnership (CHSP) is a joint City/County funded process that awards approximately $2 million in human service grants to local non-profit providers. Fiscal year 2019 is the first year of a two-year funding cycle for CHSP.
CHSP is currently undergoing a “needs assessment” to evaluate the program and recommend changes to funding categories and allocations to better serve the community. A final report will be presented to the Leon County and Tallahassee Commissions in October 2019.
The largest grants go to the Hope Community and Bethel Ready 4 Work-Reentry Program.
The Hope Community receives $135,000 toward their mission of providing support services for homeless families with children and homeless single women.
The Bethel Ready 4 Work-Reentry Program receives $125,000 to assist ex-offenders with re-entry into the community.

I can’t help but wonder how many of these programs have overlap in either services or administrators, or both?
I remember when that buildi g was a Western Sizzling. I ate there all the time. Best steakhouse in Tallahassee. Don’t know how they lost that franchise.
Back in the 80’s a group of us Mustangers used to eat there just about every Friday & Saturday Night before we would go hang out on the Strip before going Racing. At the time we had 6 Mach 1’s and a couple regular Fastbacks. Those were the Days.
Do any of these services over lab others so that a few can be canceled?
No doubt. And ones that do God knows what.
Communities Helping Communities $50,000
Orange Ave Youth Project $31,900
Tall-Leon Co. Comm. for the Status on Women & Girls $20,000
The Dream Center $50,000
We are all used to millions & billions being thrown around, so these figures don’t seem like much. But 50K is 50K! Not pocket change
The Bethel at $125,000 and the Hope at $135,575 are designed to keep the local Reverands guiding their flock to continue electing Democrats to local elected office. It’s a very successful and smart process our local elected officials devised to keep Democrats in power.
The popularity of President Trump’s national economey going like gang busters and lifting up all minorities will cause a lot of local minority votes to go to Trump.
However Tallahassee local political minority votes will still go almost 100% Democratic.