Andrew Gillium has released a statement about the incident that occurred in Miami Beach. The statement is provided below.
“I was in Miami last night for a wedding celebration when first responders were called to assist one of my friends. While I had too much to drink, I want to be clear that I have never used methamphetamines.”
Travis Dyson, one of the two men in the hotel room when law enforcement officials arrived, told a reporter for the Miami Times that, “I personally was not celebrating a wedding. I don’t know if [Gillum] was in town for a wedding. He did not mention that.”
Original Report
According to a City of Miami Beach police report, former Tallahassee Mayor and gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum was found in a Miami Beach hotel room in which paramedics were called due to a medical emergency involving a drug overdose.
Gillum was not arrested.
The report indicates that Gillum was unable to communicate with authorities on the scene and ultimately returned to his residence without incident.
The police report indicates clear plastic baggies containing suspected crystal meth were found in the hotel room.

Jone now what do you have to say? Idiot
With a gay escort? Why no reference to “human trafficking”?
Where this not a member of the Dim ruling class, you can bet police would be talking about human trafficking.
Who gets married on a Thursday? Whats the name of your freind that got married?
Nobody believes that…
What a bunch of gossiping ninnies! You talk trash about everyone else, don’t forget to add yourselves in that dump!
ok Heywood keep us posted on your dumpster fire. only gossip if its not published, didnt you know?
It was obviously a setup. Can’t you all see that from the police report? I’m sure the Republican Party is behind this entire scandal. Someone put something in his drink and planted the meth to advance the GOPs agenda. Andrew is only guilty of being too naive and trusting .
I wonder if Andrew knew Christopher Burrous?
All liberals lie, cheat and steal.
You call republicans “liberals”. LMAO
“I have never used meth!” say Gillum. Believe that? Well, then you’re part of the problem then.
Will Gillum submit to a public drug screening?
Will CNN continue to pay him if he refuses to?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Tonite lets all be thankful…that this man will never even come close to becoming the Governor of Florida… and hopefully not any public office. Growing up in a family of faith…I’m reminded of Jeremiah 13:26-27…and of course Numbers 32:23…”you may be sure your sins will find you out”
I guess he’s no longer on the down low! lol
How much will it take for him fade away. I will be surprised if CNN keeps him but ya never know.
How much time elapsed from initial arrival to Gillum ‘eventually leaving and returning to his residence’ because there is no mention of the method of transportation that Gillum used to get home. If he drove his own vehicle, he should have been arrested and given a sobriety test given the clear statement that Gillum was too inebriated to communicate with the arriving LEO. Add to that, it was not Gillum who made the call but the third fellow who arrived late and was attempting to revive the OD suspect on the bed – he sounds as if he either was so out of it or he was willing to allow the other man to die in order to save his own flailing political career. He ought to be put in a cell with Ed Buck to see which one turns into a singing canary first.
A lobbyist buddy gave him a ride.
Nothing new. He is a criminal.
I’ve been advocating for years drug testing for The Usual Suspects.
Gillum’s political career was over the day he lost his last election. Wonder if CNN will put him on tonight?
This latest fiasco is troublesome on so many levels.
I have to shout out to the local pastors who endorsed him over Ron DeSantis. They did not heed the words of Martin Luther King regarding color of skin versus content of character. The pastors statewide did Gillum a disservice by not being honest with themselves and stating that Gillum does not have the qualifications or the character over Ron DeSantis.
Why is a CNN contributor and married man caught in a drug orgy all the while under an FBI investigative probe?
The only question here is what is the next train wreck for Gillum?
Hey CNN:
Why is a CNN contributor and married man caught in a drug orgy all the while under an FBI investigative probe?
He was with someone named Travis Dyson. https://www.facebook.com/travis.dyson.7
Thoughts and prayers to Mrs. Gilliam.
if she is still Mrs. Gilliam she needs more than thoughts and prayers…..
I’m on a self imposed quarantine from commenting due to being a little too edgy with my recent comments.
So I’m not able to speculate on why 3 manly men were late night partying in a hotel room with no beautiful ladies present.
I also can not remind anyone that Hillary had Andrew on her short list for Vice President so this whole incident may just be part of a vast right wing conspiracy.
At least no hookers were hired to pee on the hotel bed!!!
Flew on same plane with him Wed morning. He was in First class. Guessing he used political donations for the upgrade. Two others wanted a selfie with him at cockpit door so we all had to stop and wait. The crew was wondering who he was. Could not help replying he was candidate for Governor, but lost, thank goodness.
In a hotel room with a gay dude and meth… mmmm
Ed Buck, anyone?
Wait til Adam Schiff is busted in the same ring.
These people are SICK
Thanks Bruce, I’m still on my self imposed quarantine from commenting; so I have been unable to speculate on what could possibly cause 2 grown men to succumb to the gag reflex and start vomiting at virtually the same moment in time ….Hmmmmm????
Maybe he was channelling his inner Marion Fairey?
Everyone in Tally knows about this guy. He just got caught this time. What a fraud!
The other articles I have read is saying it was 3 Guys including these two. The third guy paid for the room. If I read in those articles is true, I think Gillum’s career in politics is over.
If you read the report you will see they noticed numerous supervisors up to captains and detectives responded. They know exactly who he was. That doesn’t happen if some methhead od’d. Plus the other guy is an emt.
Well Andy is now minimally qualified to run for Congress and win in Miami based on their past history down there.
Although they actually prefer federal charges to be filed and convicted.
Tony, disagree, first MBPD officers probably never heard of him. Secondly, they don’t want to be responsible for his medical bills so they can charge him by warrant or capias at a later date.
Chip, HOGWASH! They were well aware of the TONGQI!
Good job on timely report and scooping other local news media in town.
TR always does.
If it were anyone else, they would have been ARRESTED on the spot and taken to Jail right after being released from the Hospital.
How the heck can cops find THREE meth baggies and nobody is charged?
LOOK at the number of LEO’s that showed up. They clearly KNEW this was a big effin’ deal.
And the report says he returned to his residence. I thought he still lived in NE Tallahassee?
News Maven I don’t think that OD scenario is at all uncommon in Miami Beach. I imagine standard police practice is not to arrest. Otherwise people wouldn’t call for help.
The storm has arrived. The public figures, politicians and corrupt elites are crumbling with their submission of the fake ass coronavirus that everyone is buying into.
Can confirm. Q post #2016 on August 30, 2018 states:
Route Z8301 is a train route in China going near Wuhan Bio-lab.
How did Q know this in 2018?
btw- check your records TallahasseeReports for my umposted comment on Gillum late last night.
These people are SICK.
Snidely, hang in there. Its gonna be great.
Love you all, enjoy the show. Thank God for his blessing.
Is this coronavirus still fake or have you finally started to believe it’s very real. Some people are just so blinded by
constant lies by our President. Do your own research to get the truth before you believe ANYONE including Trump. I’m sure it would make you more informed during these times of great loss. Then you won’t say such stupid things! Try to read and listen to real news and don’t let Trump tell you anything and you believe. I’m sure you’re smarter than that.
It is taking time but the public is beginning to understand how low, how corrupt our city commission has been for 20 years! Thanks for sharing the truth Tallahassee Reports!