At their June 3 meeting, the City Commissioners unanimously approved negotiating a contract with AERO BridgeWorks, Inc. to replace up to eight passenger loading bridges at the Tallahassee International Airport. The total cost of the project is estimated at $5,450,000.
“The Aviation Department has received several grants from the FDOT for the purposes of the replacement of passenger loading bridges at the Tallahassee International Airport to modernize and address age-related maintenance issues,” staff reports. “This project provides for the design, engineering, construction, construction administration, and resident project representative (RPR) services to replace up to eight passenger loading bridges.”
The Aviation Department issued a request for proposals earlier this year and received four proposals. The selection committee ranked each firm based on experience and ability, past performance, and project approach. AERO BridgeWorks, Inc., the top choice, scored highest in each category.
Staff will negotiate a Continuing Services Agreement with AERO BridgeWorks, Inc. for a three-year initial term with the possibility of two additional one-year extensions.
According to the meeting agenda, the total cost of the bridge replacement project is estimated at $5,450,000. Funding will come from FDOT grants, Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) funds, and the airport’s Repairs, Replacement, and Improvements (RR&I) Undesignated Fund Balance.
“The initial amount of $5,450,000 is funded by $2,050,000 by a grant from FDOT and $3,400,000 from collected PFC funds,” staff reports.
The initial funds will be used to replace as many bridges as possible in the project’s first phase.
“Additional phases of replacements will be made possible through an additional $546,754 grant from FDOT in Fiscal Year 2023 and matched by future collection of PFC funds and future RR&I fund,” staff reports.

Is our City Commission crazy? Sales taxes have dropped since all this ‘pandemic mess’ started.
Because, with the current state of the industry, know one knows how many bridges will be needed within the grant time frame (or what kind of aircraft the bridge will be designed for?
Rosemary N. Palmer
Why is it “to replace UP TO eight passenger loading bridges”? Why not all 8? How can you put in a proper Bid if you don’t know how many you will be doing? They could come back and say “as it turns out, we can only do 3”. This looks like Tallahassee is going to get hosed on this deal but, I am sure someone will be getting rich.