This past weekend, StarMetro, the City of Tallahassee’s public transportation department, welcomed a new electronic farebox to their transportation system, Genfare.
Genfare is a state-of-the-art fare collection system that has been known to streamline and enhance the payment options for public transportation constituents. This implementation is a part of the City of Tallahassee’s 2024 Strategic Plan to uphold their commitment to public transportation being accessible, efficient and equitable.
As a national leader in public transportation equipment, Genfare has been named the 2016 Red Hat Innovation Award Winner, providing solutions on transferring fare collection to the cloud and providing services throughout the United States and Canada.
The Capital District Transportation Authority in Albany, NY wanted to provide a simple and easier solution for its passengers and went with Genfare.
Thomas G. Guggisberg, CDTA’s Director of Information Technology, ensured they worked closely with Genfare to develop a fare system so easy to use the passengers would not have to think about it when they board their transit system, and they were able to achieve just that.
CDTA was proven to be a perfect partner for Genfare and now the City of Tallahassee has joined the project.
As of Tuesday, the new Genfare boxes have been put to use with exceptions. These systems will not be on FSU buses or paratransit vehicles, and they do not take seven-day or 31-day magnetic stripe cards. They will be accepting StarMetro cards dated Sept. 29 to Oct. 29.
The Genfare system has become a first step to improving StarMetro. Later this fall, when all systems are installed, the farebox will accept rechargeable smart cards, magnetic stripe cards and barcodes for mobile tickets.

Even though on the surface it seems totally criminal to pour more money into our failing bus system during a time when ridership is down to a trickle due to our elected nannies death grip on our local economy we had to go through with this expenditure in order to trigger the kickbacks from the company that makes and installs these credit card readers.
A lot of elected nannies and other local usual suspects are depending on these kickbacks which may trickle down in the local economy and help out a lot of you common folk. We have spoken. Nothing to see here.
So which Genfare System did they go with and how does it work. What type of payment will the box accept?
Will it improve the service schedule of the buses, so that they are on time, or that if one has reached the max number of passengers for social distancing, a rider doesn’t have to wait 45 minutes to an hour for the next bus?
Will there be a special bus that makes nonstops to the new marijuana dispensary that the city commission approved recently next to a school at Tennessee and Monroe?
Wasn’t that project Gary Yordon’s project?
But Hope!!! It is “State of The Art”!!!! Where is Ron Garrison these days?
And this. Star Metro is winning.
By Michelle Corbet – Reporter, Memphis Business Journal
Jan 27, 2017, 1:59pm CST Updated Jan 27, 2017, 2:16pm CST
Ron Garrison, CEO of the Memphis Area Transit Authority, resigned late Thursday before being named Friday, Jan. 27, among 42 people arrested on prostitution-related charges.
The Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) issued a media advisory at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26, for a specially called MATA Board of Commissioners meeting at 4:30 p.m. in a seventh floor conference room at City Hall.
OK, this article is a little confusing………. WHO is the City working with, the CDTA (Capital District Transportation Authority in Albany, NY), or with the Company that makes Genfare?
Because the Capital District Transportation Authority in Albany, NY says that they “WENT” with Genfare.
AND = Thomas G. Guggisberg, CDTA’s Director of Information Technology, ensured us that they “WORKED CLOSLY WITH” Genfare to develop a fare system ”
Please tell me that Gary Yordon and Sean Pitman had nothing to do with this………