TR’s weekly report (December 13 – December 20) on Leon County COVID cases, hospitalizations, and testing positivity rates is detailed below.
TR’s December 13th weekly report can be reviewed here.
The weekly report, ending December 20th, shows a decrease in cases and positivity rate and an increase in hospitalizations.
The Numbers
The Leon County 7-day average (yellow-line) of reported COVID cases moved from 144 cases on December 13th to 131 cases on December 20th, a 9.0% decrease.

The Leon County 7-day average (yellow-line) of reported COVID hospitalizations changed from 44 on December 13th to 57 on December 20th, a 29.5% increase.

The Leon County 7-day average (yellow line) COVID positivity rate changed from 6.27% on December 13th to 5.78% on December 20th, a 7.8% decrease.

It is time to end the mask mandate in Tallahassee/Leon County and Gadsden County. The mandate is not enforceable and most businesses do not require them. In fact, most employees at said businesses do not wear a mask. Look around-you have to see it, also.
Good news is we have about 17,000 recovered and immune citizens and only 5% of county has been infected in a year.
The false positive rate for PCR tests are approximately 50 percent.
New Study Shows Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide, But the Lie Continues
Positive rates have spiraled up since mid-October, hospitalizations have soared up since Thanksgiving and TR sees a positive trend line?
Nothing to see here, sometimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down. Same story the past 9 months of this ‘pandemic’.