The latest employment information shows that Leon County lost 504 jobs in December. One year ago Leon County lost 1,163 jobs. The unemployment rate in December decreased to 5.2% from 5.3% in November. One year ago the December unemployment rate was 2.5%.
The number of people working in December, 2020 is less when compared to last year. The Leon County Jobs Report, listed below, indicates that 139,863 people were working in December 2020. This is 14,835 less than the 154,698 reported working in December of last year.

Also, the labor force decreased when compared to one year ago. The December 2020 workforce was 147,612 compared to 158,650 last year.
At the state-level, 36,000 jobs were added in December after a loss of 29,000 jobs in November, 2020. The December unemployment rate fell to 5.8% from the November rate of 6.2%.
The chart below shows the monthly level of jobs in Leon County over the last three years with a 12-month average trend line. After several months of growth following the impact of COVID mitigation policies, Leon County employment has remained approximately 15,000 jobs below last years level during August, September, October, November and December.

Follow Plugs Biden’s advise….”learn to code”. What liberals will never understand is how damaging a $15.00 minimum wage along with higher taxes to the local job market.
Speaking of Jobs……. is there any Sub-Contractors out there that does Marketing & Sales for Nonprofits?
“At the state-level, 36,000 jobs were added in December after a loss of 29,000 jobs in November,”
How many of those December Jobs were for Christmas Help and they are no longer employed?