The City of Tallahassee recently announced the creation of a Neighborhood-Based Mental Health Pilot Program which will be located at the Lincoln Center. The initiative will bring mental health services closer to neighborhoods.
Through the new program, residents can participate in up to three free one-on-one counseling sessions with a certified mental health provider, regardless of health insurance status. After the third free appointment, the mental health specialist can provide a referral to a community partner agency for more assistance, if needed.
The Neighborhood-Based Mental Health Pilot Program is a part of the city’s larger plan to create “Resilience Hubs”, to enhance public safety and quality of life for Tallahassee citizens. To carry out the new program and build Resilience Hubs, the city is enhancing some of its existing facilities, including the Lincoln Center.
Mayor John Dailey stated in the announcement that “supporting our community’s mental health needs is a top priority for our City. I am proud that we continue to innovate and find new ways to reach our residents in need and connect them to free counseling. This new service can help members of our community navigate, or prevent, a crisis with the guidance of a mental health professional.”
Individual counseling sessions are available by appointment from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Lincoln Center. To make an appointment, you can call (850) 523-3333, extension 3221.

@ Mike L
I was curious what a “Resilience hub” was as well, so I Googled it and this was the result.
“Resilience hubs are neighborhood centers that are designed to coordinate culturally sensitive, multilingual services to better meet the needs of diverse groups of community members. … Year-round, they can offer space and programming for community-building efforts that increase resilience when emergencies occur.”
Sounds like a waste of resources to me, and this is coming from a social worker! I keep hearing how we are going to have more resources to help clients but have yet to see them. This sounds like a extra step just to get a referral to the Apalachee Center.
WTF is a Resilience hub? Sounds like an Orwellian torture chamber to me. I think everyone in Leon county has lost their dad gum minds, I’m fairly certain a “resilience hub” is not what everyone needs.
Actually, “resilience hub” sounds like something my shop teacher would have painted on the beautifully varnished paddle he used to meet out corporal punishment to us miscreants. It woulda been a whole lot more original than “the hot seat” too…
I’m ok with it so long as their inaugural patients are the City and County Commissioners, and the Public Indoctrination System Board members. Now there are some brain cells that need evaluation and repair.
And once they’re all checked in and safely locked in their padded rooms with some pudding… what say we fill the vacant seats with common sense citizens who value integrity.
All in favor?… so let it be written, so let it be done.
What is the cost to taxpayers, where is the money coming from, is it coming from the Fire Services fee that the firemen are having so much trouble getting an accounting of?
A free giveaway as this sounds like a pre-election publicity stunt boondoggle at the taxpayers expense.
The city is giving away free healthcare when some of these people may have Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance. You are going to have to convince me more than this that this is not mismanagement.
This sounds more like an effort needed to be handed off to a volunteer organization with credentials and there are probably already volunteer organization set up to do this.
Another reason for a nationwide search for a city manager.