The latest information from the Tallahassee International Airport shows that November 2021 passenger traffic was 75,277. This is just 0.7% or 520 passengers below the pre-COVID passenger traffic (75,797) reported in November 2019.
November traffic increased 125.5% when compared to traffic one year ago. The number of passengers was up from 33,379 during November 2020 to 75,277 this year.
The 125.5% increase this month is relative to November 2020 traffic when air travel was feeling the full impact of the COVID pandemic. Looking at November 2019 traffic gives a more realistic view of passenger traffic. For this reason, we have included traffic from 2019 in the Passenger Traffic Report below.
Relative to 2019, the Passenger Traffic Report shows passenger counts were up 13.5% for American Airlines, the Delta Group was down 11.3% and Silver Airways was down 30.3%.

The graph below shows the annualized number of passengers for the last 24-months. The annual rate of passengers at TIA in November 2021 was 620,086 up 7.2% when compared to the annual rate reported last month.
The annualized number of passengers is calculated by summing the previous 12 months of traffic.

Got time to spare? Go by air. TLH will never be anything other than a pudunky airport offering service to a few cities. Sure a few people will get rich….Flight Line’s M.L., Million Aire and a few City Airport Employees. If Tallahassee wasn’t the State Capital, the FAA would have remoted their air traffic approach control services and contracted out the control tower decades ago. Tallahassee Airport’s glory days ended with De-Regulation. See the airport for what it is. The City should look for ways to lessen the tax burden on the few people that actually work.
The Tallahassee Airport should recruit a bonafide Airport Manager from a nationwide search and upgrade the airport to a state-of-the-art facility and rename the airport the Bobby Bowden Airport.
But for this to happen the Old Guard, Insiders, and Usual Suspects need to be voted out and completely absent if any progress is to be made going forward.