Sales of existing single-family homes in Leon county were up 24.3% when compared to numbers sold in the same month one year ago. There were 317 single-family home resales in July 2020 and 394 resales in July 2021. Last month there were 396 existing single-family homes sold. The average sales price in July 2021 increased […]
The Leon County Commissioners heard an update on COVID-19 for the county. As of September 3rd, the positivity rate was 10.7% and 59% of the population in Leon County are vaccinated. The CDC is recommending a third dose of the vaccine for Moderna and Pfizer, for those who are immunocompromised. The Commissioners heard information contained […]
By Ryan Dailey, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Saying the state’s system of standardized testing in public schools is “quite frankly, outdated,” Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday announced that lawmakers will consider a proposal during the 2022 legislative session to end the Florida Standards Assessments. The statewide exams in English-language arts and math, […]
Former Florida Supreme Court Justice Stephen Grimes passed away at 93. He was the 72nd justice to serve on Florida’s high court since Florida’s statehood. Grimes served from 1987 to 1997 and served as Chief Justice from 1994 to 1996. Grimes was appointed by Florida Gov. Bob Martinez after a long career as a lawyer […]
On Tuesday, September 14, 2021, Leon County Commissioners approved the a bid, for $3,449,820, to Ram Construction and Development, LLC for site renovations to the historic Amtrak building. The Board also approved an agreement with the City of Tallahassee for driveway connections for Bicycle Boulevard and Railroad Avenue, in conjunction with the Amtrak building, to […]
The Leon County Board of County Commissioners approved a $250,000 bid for Leon County to host the 2026 World Athletics Cross Country Championship during the last Board meeting on Tuesday, September 14, 2021. The deposit will come from the Division of Tourism fund. For the execution of the event, potential host communities must guarantee a […]
The Leon County Board of County Commissioners consented to the proposed opioid litigation Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Florida and the adoption of the associated resolution. Leon County has previously approved a plan related to the litigation. In June 2018, the County entered into a contract with outside counsel, Levin, Papantonio, P. A., […]
On Monday, September 13th at 1:00 p.m., the Capital Regional Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) will get an update on the Thomasville Road Multi-Use Path (MUP) feasibility study. The intent of the feasibility study is to evaluate the multimodal connectivity of the Thomasville Road corridor from the Market District to Midtown and to what extent, considering […]
David Hale is a college football analysts for ESPN. Listed below is a twitter thread by Hale addressing FSU’s football program following the lost to Jacksonville State. ____ Quick thoughts on FSU… This was never going to be a good football team. The hope was 6-6, a bowl game, and enough enthusiasm about progress to […]
Listed below are events taking place in the Tallahassee area beginning September 14th. Trivia at the Brass TapDate: Tuesday, September 14, 2021, begins @ 6:30 p.m. Where: MIDTOWN TALLAHASSEE, 1321 THOMASVILLE ROADCost: FreeWhat you’ll get: #1 Trivia in Town Questions begin at 7pm, we recommend coming in a bit before 6:30 registration to get the […]