Candidates running for the Leon County Commission have raised a total of $176,651 as of the February 10th campaign report filed with the Leon County Supervisor of Elections. The candidates have spent $25,939 and have $147,604 left for campaign activities. The next report is due March 10th.
The table below shows the campaign fundraising activities for each of the 16 candidates.
The leading fundraisers include current Leon County Commissioner Rick Minor ($50,915), Dustin Rivest ($35,550) and Jay Revell ($24,676).
For more detail on the campaign finance visit here.

@ Dustin,
David has been on the ground exerting actual “Sweat Equity” into his agenda which is a prime commodity that is so needed, but forgotten and absent in today’s world.
I think you have a good message and appear to be on the right track. I would advise you to switch over to the mayoral race. I think David has this race covered, but there is room in the Mayoral race for a legitimate candidate. I think that race would be a better fit for you. And I think you could win that race, easily.
@ Vince, I chose to self fund because in these trying times, the people need to save their Money for their Families. I am for the People, not the establishment. I appreciate all the people that wanted to give to my Campaign but once I explained to them why I wont except it, they understood and shook my hand thanking me for running.
@ Hope: Thank you for the kind word.
I am significantly self funding my campaign as well, though still accepting contributions. As a serial entrepreneur with my main line of business in marketing for companies in the trades and medical areas, I understand that in the most crowded time ever when it comes to getting your message out, it costs a good deal of money to get your voice and ideas in front of people. At the end of the day, the money I will be spending is to make sure people know who I am, why I am running, and what I look to accomplish. Not just for District 5, but for all of the Tallahassee / Leon County Community. As your next County Commissioner, I will bring youth, innovation, and steadfast determination to bring about real change the community is looking for as I come with a voice and a vision for our community’s future.
Seems like I’m the most talked about … I reject all political contribution. I’m self funded 😉
@ Vince,
A self-funded candidate shows that they’re not beholden to the Chamber crowd and special interests, and are more apt to have a moral compass towards humanity.
This was proven only months ago in New Jersey when a long entrenched incumbent with a huge war chest was unseated by a self-funded candidate.
David Hawkins will be the next County Commissioner for Leon County District 5.
Okay, apparently others have had less-than-optimal experiences with “Big Ben” as well. There is a Facebook group called, “Anyone but Benjamin Alexander Horbowy for Florida Senate District 3” It may be ‘old news’ but it still stands.
@Hope, thank you for including that link. There is *so much more* wrong with “Big Ben” than I dare even get into in a public platform. When he was running against Ms. Preston, I thought to see what he was about. I thought “oh hey, he’s a veteran” and because I’m a veteran too, I might be able to connect him with others. I was going to give him helpful suggestions, i.e. using honey versus vinegar and he was…less than receptive. Unfortunately, I don’t have all of the private messages, but I was able to retain some, just in case he ever was a serious contender and no one else would call him out for his…questionable behavior. He gives other Trump-supporters a bad name.
@ Edward, So true. The ones that do the Mud Slinging are usually the ones that do not have a good Platform. Like you, I want to what they stand for and what Ideas they have to fix the issues and not just the standard answers like, to lower the Crime Rate we need more Officers and more Training. Those are a given, tell me what else you got to help.
Thanks Hope I hereby withdraw my endorsement of BIG BEN.
I really need a good Side-Hustle. Maybe I could get elected.
Very well said, Ed.
@ Snidely,
From what I’ve observed over the past several local race cycles here in Tallahassee, money doesn’t seem to be the difference maker. In fact, having a boatload on money in your coffers may actually be a negative. Voters in a city that has suffered (and appears to still suffer) under a dark cloud of insider politics and corruption, may not be inclined to go with the candidate who appears to be supported by “the establishment” and the “status quo”. Campaign strategy is changing, even though the establishment and campaign consultants don’t want it to.
Personally, I tend to lean toward self-funded candidates beholding to only those who he or she seeks to serve… not those who seek their service… there’s a distinction. Tallahassee is a small town that plays a big city on TV.
Get busy getting your message and platform out there… and by that I mean “YOU” get busy. Get your butt to every possible neighborhood club, coffee klatch, meeting, gathering, et al… know the reason you’re running and articulate your platform in a consistent, concise, direct and understandable way. Memorize your platform and DO NOT use note cards. Press flesh and be sincere; if you are sincere that is. Voters can tell the difference. Connect with the people you wish to serve, don’t talk down or above them… meet them at their level, whatever level that may be.
Do not waste your time telling people why the “other guy/gal” sucks… spend your time explaining why you don’t.
BIG BEN all the way!!! I don’t know anything about BIG BEN but the rest of them ( with the exception of David T Hawkins ) look to be kind of shady. BIG BEN
Nothing to brag about, David. Campaigns that are funded by the community showcases a commitment to listen and respond to the community.
I believe the front runner favorites, so far, are Rick Minor, David Hawkins, and Rudolph Ferguson.
I believe Nick Maddox and Bill Proctor will not be re-elected for many reasons, but mainly for their recent YES vote giving away $27 million for stadium seats.
Of all the Candidates that HAVE Money in their Accounts, I will bet that I am the ONLY one that has NOT accepted Contributions. I am totally self funded.