The latest information from the Tallahassee International Airport shows that December 2022 passenger traffic was 63,489. December traffic decreased 7.6% when compared to traffic one year ago. The number of passengers was down 5,312 from the 68,703 reported during December 2021.
Passenger traffic was down 19.1% or 14,973 passengers when compared to the pre-COVID passenger traffic (78,462) reported in December 2019.
Comparing current passenger traffic numbers to December 2019 traffic gives a more realistic view of traffic growth given the impact of the COVID pandemic. For this reason, we have included traffic from 2019 in the Passenger Traffic Report below.
Relative to 2019, the Passenger Traffic Report shows passenger counts were down 16.7% for American Airlines, the Delta Group was down 21.6% and Silver Airways was down 19.8%.

The graph below shows the annualized number of passengers for the last 37-months. The highlighted numbers on the graph indicate the annual traffic during the month of March over the last four years.
The annual rate of passengers at TIA in December 2022 was 820,054 down 0.58% when compared to the annual rate reported last month and up 25.0% when compared to one year ago. The annualized number of passengers is calculated by summing the previous 12 months of traffic.

I don’t know, maybe just maybe it’s because of the outrageous flight prices. You can fly out of Destin for 25% of the cost.
Could it be down because Businesses have found that they can save Money in Biden’s Great Economy by doing Business using ZOOM instead of sending there Employee’s to do Face to Face Meetings?
Voters did it to themselves. All that future candidates have to do is say is I will spend your tax dollars at the airport to ensure air traffic is down, vote for me, and voters comply.
Isn’t International Travel flourishing? Are jets from around the world flying into TLH for maintenance. Certainly the Airport’s new “pick and pull” salvage yard must be raking in the cash. How can passenger travel be down when the taxpayer is funding millions in city/county employees’ salaries and pensions? TR must have made a mistake (insert sarcasm).