On Monday March 13, the Executive Committee of the Leon County Children’s Services Council (CSC) will consider a proposal to increase staffing. The increase in staffing will result in $819,858 in total expense during the FY 2023-24. In February, the total CSC budget was reported to be approximately $7.6 million.
If approved by the Executive Committee, the proposal will be forwarded to the full Council for consideration.
The proposed increase in staffing adds three positions which brings the total Full-Time Equivalent CSC positions to seven. The proposed cost of these positions are shown below.

The Executive Director position, which is described as the CSC Leon official representative and responsible for strategic leadership and working with the Governing Council, will manage the CSC positions as shown in the diagram below. Approximately $218,000 of the total proposed $819,858 in annual staffing expenses is dedicated to the Executive Director position.

Descriptions of the positions to be added are provided below.
Program & Quality Assurance Specialist (2 positions) – Facilitates/coordinates CIP engagement, relations and training; assists with
development/management of preparation/implementation of funding cycle(s), contract management/execution and compliance, and funds
distribution; assists with the application evaluation process; monitors funded CIP performance according to specific programs, including compliance with contract deliverables and participant outcomes; manages and performs on-site program reviews and audits; performs initial review of submitted CIP fiscal and programmatic reports; and maintains program/provider files in accordance with records retention policies and state law. Reports to the DFO.
Community Relations Specialist – Ensures community awareness of CSC Leon initiatives, programs and funding; plans/manages all outreach events, including coordinating CSC Leon’s participation in external events; supports internal/external communication through an established and approved communications plan; manages/updates website and social media platforms and content; handles media and press relations; creates/manages CSC Leon newsletter and CSC-TV; and primary contact for public records requests. Reports to ED.
Administrative Assistant (no fiscal impact to CSC Leon) – Serves as the receptionist and oversees the lobby of CSC Leon. Performs other administrative duties, as assigned. Reports to the ASM.
The CSC was approved by a majority of the Leon County electorate in the November 2020 general election to provide children with early learning and reading skills, development, treatment, preventative and other children’s services.
As an independent special district authorized by section 125.901, Florida Statutes, CSC Leon will provide funding for these children’s services throughout the County by annually levying ad valorem taxes.
This is exactly what many of us were afraid of. We have City and County staff that manage millions of dollars in CSHP dollars, and we should have expanded that without creating ANOTHER bureaucracy and these salaries. With benefits, each employee will make over $100,000. THIS kind of thing is why I applied to be on the Council, probably why it is still taking so long to hear the positions get filled.
More connected non profit feeding at the public trough.
Many of us knew that this would be the outcome before the CSC was approved by foolish voters. Slush fund for the politically connected.
So, we now have a new unnecessary layer of city employees with a 65% employee load factor, to include 21.44 percent pension and average health insurance costs of $21,102 per employee. No business in this community or state for that matter can afford these type of salary costs.
I am not sure what the chamber was thinking except maybe they were shamed/guilted into voting for this measure. This is by definition unnecessary bureaucracy.
The organizational chart needs to be corrected to show the mayor’s wife, the CSC (mis)director of funds, and the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce as the recipient of funds. That tells us all we need to know.
Mr P. Rick
Who knew, you ask?
Jeremy Matlow knew!!
O/T Breaking news…
HR employee forced out of position for being a whistleblower at City Hall… Ben Crump decries that Gillum is a victim. The righteous are persecuted and the corrupt make themselves the victims. Please call in a new city manager…
Anyone else notice how the org chart doesn’t link “Our Community – Leon County” and the “CSC of Leon County Council Members” to each other or the Executive Director?
$10-million+ of taxpayer money (annually) in the hands of an autonomous, unaccountable, and politically-connected power is a recipe for grift, fraud and disaster.
But as David so sarcastically yet rightly asked… who knew?… ummm, me for one 🙂
I’m glad for the children’s services initiative and hope the investment pays off but its hard to be optimistic in the face of the poverty and crime in the county.
Don’t really understand the org structure but it looks like two positions to do the actual outreach and why are not all the employees contractual? It just looks top heavy and generous with the benefits.
The CSC director was in with Gillum and his co-conspirator who have been indicted and she gave $100,000 to the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce. Her hiring was a controversy in that the mayor’s wife put her thumb on the scale to bypass a legitimate out of state candidate. It was important to get someone who could be played to funnel money into entities that would funnel it out to chamber rat Democratic Party candidates and their PR hacks… such as, well,… you know who they are… the DAILEY corruption continues…
Who else KNEW that the CSC was going to be a SCAM? CLOSE IT DOWN.