The table below lists the recent single family home sales in the Killearn Estates neighborhood. The sales information is from the Leon County Property Appraiser.
Killearn Estates is located in NE Tallahassee. There are approximately 3,800 homes in many uniquely characterized units with 11 parks or playgrounds, as well as miles of bridle trails for walking or jogging, lakes, and a private Golf & Country Club.
The table below lists 15 recent transactions with sale prices ranging from a low of $299,900 to a high of $600,000. The average sales price for these transactions was calculated to be $412,887. Reviewing another popular measure of home value, the dollar per square foot ($/SqFt) shows a range starting with a low of 148.4 $/SqFt to a high of 224.8 $/SqFt. The average $Sq/Ft was calculated to be 192.6 $/ SqFt.
Current homes listed for sale in Killearn Estates range from $289,000 to $649,500. For more information on real estate sales in Leon county and overall economic conditions, visit

@Edward — that needs to be drummed into the head of every grade schooler in the district. (Well, actually, everywhere..)
The math is really easy. If you’re so poor that the government is paying for your housing, utilities, phone service, food stamps, or most anything else, you simply can’t afford to buy a place you actually want to live in. And unless you can afford to save enough money for down payment and closing costs, the likelihood of keeping the house isn’t good.
People will only be able to buy the home of their dreams… if they work hard enough to be able to afford the home of their dreams. One can live only where their drive and desire takes them.
@ A Skeptic = I have been trying to get the City and County Commissioners to say what the Price of an “AFFORDABLE HOUSE” for Low Income Families is. In MY book, it WAS $85K to maybe $100K but, with with Interest Rates NOW, it would have to be between $75K and $90K.
With Home Interest Rates as high as they are NOW and might go up again later this Month, I wonder if Banks will allow Mortgages to be assumed. Mine is at 2.74%. A House a few Houses to my Left recently sold for $220K and one a few Houses to my left sold last week for $285K and neither on is on the Lake. If a Bank would allow someone to Assume my Mortgage and pay the Balance in Cash…………. I could walk away with about $150K CASH.
The $600,000 sales is an outlier, with no other property selling for half a million dollars or more. The second most expensive sale was $480,000.
Take the $600,000 sale out of the mix and the remaining sales averaged less than $400,000, coming in at $399,521.
But that still puts properties in the area out of the reach of the first-time home buyer, and many (most?) first time home upgrades. It’s no wonder that the area votes so strongly in the opposite direction of what the local governments try to push.