The table below lists the most recent single family home sales in the Bull Run neighborhood. The sales information is from the Leon County Property Appraiser. Located at the intersection of Thomasville Road and Kerry Forest Parkway, just 7 miles north of downtown Tallahassee, Bull Run is a planned neighborhood on 428 acres of gentle rolling hills in northern Leon County.
Listed below are the 15 recent transactions with sale prices ranging from a low of $365,000 to a high of $639,900. The average sales price for these transactions was calculated to be $472,747. Reviewing another popular measure of home value, the dollar per square foot ($/SqFt) shows a range starting with a low of 187.2 $/SqFt to a high of 246.4 $/SqFt. The average $/SqFt was calculated to be 220.4 $/ SqFt.

Current homes listed for sale in Bull Run range from $419,000 to $995,000. For more information on real estate sales in Leon county and overall economic conditions, visit
It cost a lot of money to live here and working at Starbucks may not be enough to support a family. Add to that our local tax and spend politicians raising property taxes, it is only going to get more expensive. Cut taxes. Dictate FAMU and FSU provide instruction that results in a 6 figure career. And for God’s sake, stop throwing money at our black crime problem. Build a supermax jail. And fix the “slip and fall” attorney lawsuit problem.
9 Years ago, I paid top Price at $89,900 for my House in my Neighborhood and HOW, many have sold over $200K where Recently a couple have sold for $220K, $245K and one for last week for $285K. I recent had a Realtor Company visit me and said that they would pay me $165K if I stop what I was doing and walk away. Of course I said NO.