The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Thursday, June 29

The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Thursday, June 29


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The latest reports show that Leon County lost 1,224 jobs in May. There were 157,821 people working in Leon County in May compared to last month’s revised employment number of 159,045.

The Rotary Club of Tallahassee Southside got a $75,000 grant Tuesday to help bridge the digital gap for students who may not have access to the internet or technology at home.

Florida A&M’s Greg Coleman is the latest Rattler to join the Florida Sports Hall of Fame. Coleman has been selected as part of the Class of 2023.


The U.S. Department of Justice is urging a federal judge to block a new Florida law that restricts people from China and six other countries from owning property in the state. Justice Department attorneys Tuesday filed a 22-page “statement of interest” supporting a lawsuit and preliminary-injunction request filed by four Chinese people and a real-estate brokerage that serves Chinese clients.

New polling from Marquette Law School suggests Ron DeSantis may have a pathway in the Badger State. “Among Republican and Republican-leaning voters in WI, 31% support Donald Trump, 30% Ron DeSantis, 6% Mike Pence, 5% Tim Scott, and 21% say they haven’t decided,” the pollsters tweeted out.

Fulfilling a long-requested priority of public health officers, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation on Monday night that removes fentanyl test strips from Florida’s list of prohibited drug paraphernalia.


4 Responses to "The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Thursday, June 29"

  1. I’m amazed at the number of local citizens who see the nonsense and graft and their quality of life for themselves and their families are negatively impacted by ineffective infrastructure or lack thereof, deteriorating Environmental Quality, out of control crime, failing schools, inadequate Air Service, and money spent for special interests for campaign contribution kickbacks rather than on the needs and services for the citizens who pay into the system. yet do and say nothing…YET DO AND SAY NOTHING!

  2. So, the US Department of Justice is siding with the communist Chinese over the good citizens of Florida… That sounds about right.

    I trust the Mafia more than I trust the United States Department of Justice.

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