On July 11th, the Leon County Commission will consider an item that seeks Board approval of the 2024 FY Community Human Services Partnership (CHSP) grant in the amount of $2,298,700 and recommended allocations. The grant represents year two of the current two-year funding cycle.
In addition, as requested by the Commission, the item seeks approval of a Workshop on Human Services in preparation for the next two-year funding cycle of the Human Services Partnership on November 28th 2023.
During the previous June 20th meeting, the Board directed that the Tallahassee City Commission be invited to the Workshop on Human Services. The County Administrator has since sent out a request to the City Manager for the attendance by City Commissioners.
The County and City have partnered to invest in Human Service needs since 1997. In December 2017, the Board adopted a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the City to reinforce mutual commitments to the CHSP. The MOU included a two-year application and funding cycle for the Human Services Agencies.

The 2024 FY marks the second year of the CHSP funding cycle and will be funded at the same level as the 2023 FY. For the 2024 FY, the CHSP will receive a combined total of $5,596,693 from the County and City. The CHSP funds will support 50 agencies resulting in 82 human services programs for year two of the funding cycle.
The recommended County allocations:
Children’s Services: $5,000
Community Support: $287,000
Person’s with Disabilities: $185,000
Emergency Services: $246,038
Family Support: $162,533
Senior Services: $80,269
Youth Recreation, Mentorship: $89,173
Youth Education, Employment: $161,966
Promise Zone: $150,000
Homeless: $1,125,721
See details for each category.
The Workshop on Human Services will provide an analysis and recommendations for how the county can best support Human Services needs, as well as options for long-term, line-item funding for emergency homeless shelters to be considered in the 2025 Fiscal Year.
The effectiveness of CHSP programs will be evaluated during the Workshop as well.
The Board adopted uniform performance measures developed by the FSU Askew School for the current two-year funding cycle. The results of the 2023 FY will be presented during the Workshop which will provide Board recommendations to strengthen the CHSP.
Additionally, the impact of the Children Services Council of Leon County on future CHSP for children and family programs will be analyzed during the Workshop in efforts to maximize the County’s investment in Human Services.
Our commissions just found another way to suck our money up and give it to who they want. Foreigners
The black community will continue having child after child out of wedlock by parents with no careers/future. Because that is their way of life and all the money in the world isn’t going to change it. Same with crime. It’s their choice. Stop trying to convience them there is a better way of life if only they stay in school, don’t have kids, get a job and stay our of trouble. The vast majority of the 32304 wants nothing to do with the taxpayer’s world. When will the liberal politicians acknowledge the government dependant black community likes their life?
Thank you, Taxahassee Commissars, for bleeding us dry year after year.
There’s never enough of our money for them.
The Human Fund. It’s Money for People.
Children’s services, which should be a top priority, seems to be the red-headed stepchild in the funding prioritization.
$5,000 split across Children’s services 7 programs is $714 per program. That’s at the “why even bother?” level.
WOW, TR!! Thanks for the preview for the VIP reservations list for the Tallahassee Chamber Kratz Buffalo Pool Party junket… paid for at taxpayers expense..!!!
Which category of services receives the most funding? homeless. Shocker! Why does the vagrant population increase like summer weeds here? because the Commission throws money at it. This is the equivalent to handing out 20 dollar bills… wondering why people line up to take the money… Then trying to reduce the number of people coming by increasing to 50 dollar bills… and act shocked when more people showed up. Its intentional people, 100% deliberate destruction of our community.
WHY are their 82 Programs for 11 Services? It is time to reel these in.