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For the August 7-13, TPD reported 72 crime incidents. This included 27 violent crime incidents which is 26.8% more than the average number of violent crime incidents reported on a weekly basis in 2022, which was 21.3.
Leon County Schools removed Angie Strickland as head volleyball coach at Leon High School on Friday, August 4, following a week-long investigation after a formal complaint was filed with the school district. The investigative report should be released Tuesday.
Capital Health Plan is getting a new leader. Long-time President and CEO John Hogan is retiring after more than 4 decades with the organization. He will be succeeded by CFO Sabin Bass.
The Network of Entrepreneurs & Business Advocates (NEBA) will host Reese Goad, the City Manager for the City of Tallahassee on Tuesday, August 15th, at 11:30 AM at Capital City Country Club.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has made another judicial appointment, this time it is lawyer Roger Gannam to serve as Judge on the Sixth District Court of Appeal. Gannam has most recently served as Assistant Vice President of Legal Affairs for Liberty Counsel. Florida Democrats called Gannam a “far-right, evangelical, activist attorney,”
Former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign will be run by Brian Hughes in Florida. He served in a senior role in the office of former Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has said he has “moved on” from his feud with Disney. “Look, my wife and I, we got married at Walt Disney World. And so it’s not like we’re opposed. I mean, we’ve appreciated working with them over the years, but I would just say, go back to what you did,” DeSantis said.
In the first preseason AP Poll, the Florida State Seminoles football program comes in as No. 8 in the country. The No. 8 ranking is FSU’s highest to begin a season since 2017, and FSU is the highest-ranked ACC team and the only team from the state of Florida ranked among the Top 25.
FAMU football comes in as the 25th ranked team in the Preseason FCS Coaches Poll. FAMU is the only team ranked in the poll from the SWAC and one of just two HBCU’s including former MEAC foe and current Celebration Bowl champion NC Central.

@Nicholas — DPS just doesn’t understand this game.
It’s so easy when leftists make your arguments for you. 🙂
No worries actually our pleasure to watch you wear yourself out and exposing you have no platform, that — this is your platform… failed attempts to criticize the opposition.
What time is the next show?
@A Skeptic
“Except that you don’t”
Good one!
“The left’s policies continue to pull the middle class down toward the lower class, making even more people dependent upon the government (and the taxpayers that fund it).”
Right wing bullet point without any supporting evidence.
“What’s needed is policies that lift the bottom rungs. ”
What’s next, ‘Trickle down economics works?’
“We were lifting the lower rungs AND raising the middle class at unprecedented levels prior to the last national election. ”
By what metrics do you make this statement?
“At one point we had the annual inflation rate near 10% and the stock market down 10%. “Retirees saw an effective 20% loss in purchasing power when you factor in what they had to draw from their retirement funds to maintain””
As did every industrialized nation, so what? You are conflating the effects from coming back from a pandemic with policy. Why?
“So what?”
Because it’s going to kill the coral reefs? Because it’s going to alter the Jet Stream?
“It’s gone from a methane based atmosphere to what we have today. Climate change was a good thing — for us. In our lifetime the “climate change” warnings have gone from global warming to global cooling to global warming to “climate change but we think it’s warming”. ”
This is idiotic. Yes, the Earth is old. Yes, the atmosphere has changed over the past four billion years or so. The difference is the *rate of change*. Ecosystems can, and will, evolve and adapt to slow change. But they can’t adapt to rapid change, which is what climate change is doing.
“The models used to predict the future today are remarkably unchanged from the models that
have changed their minds just as often as the left needed a banner to fly.”
No one in their right mind would take your analysis of climate models seriously.
” The pseudo-scientist(s) that you listen to still haven’t gotten it right.”
Their models are off in the wrong way; they didn’t expect to see oceans this warm, or temperatures this high for a while yet, but here we are. Are you going to deny that July was the hottest month on record? I’d love to see your explanation for that! Take a look at any website that shows glaciers from thirty years ago vs today.
” There’s a reason that the middle class tends toward “R” and people migrate that way as they mature”
Except they aren’t trending conservative anymore. (Look it up!) And the reason is, it used to be that as people matured, they gained wealth, but they can’t do that anymore, they cannot afford child care, or health care, or down payments on a home, because the cost of all of those things has wildly eclipsed the wages people are being paid. Why favor a system that has made ‘the american dream’ largely inaccessible to them?
@Nicholas Weed –
But it’s funner to troll conservatives! Hey, by the way, have you given any thought to why the big tough guy DeSantis isn’t telling Disney to ‘Bring it on!’ with their lawsuit against Florida? It’d be dynamite for his ‘people care about woke stuff’ Presidential campaign, right? So why hasn’t he?
@Edward Lyle –
Really lackluster POE law attempt, frankly. Aren’t you gonna say something about child molestation pizza huts, or rigged elections or how Mr Pillow isn’t a total joke? Something? If you’re gonna pretend to be a conservative echo chamber sychophant, you gotta come up with better stuff than calling me Saul Alinski or whatever.
Also, you figured me out. My name is Saul Alinski. Damn it!
Oh, this will be fun. 🙂
“That I have a moral compass? That I have an actual idea of how a government should work as opposed to a list of things and people I don’t like or hate? That I am paying attention? What else?”
Except that you don’t. The left’s policies continue to pull the middle class down toward the lower class, making even more people dependent upon the government (and the taxpayers that fund it). What’s needed is policies that lift the bottom rungs. We were lifting the lower rungs AND raising the middle class at unprecedented levels prior to the last national election. At one point we had the annual inflation rate near 10% and the stock market down 10%. Retirees saw an effective 20% loss in purchasing power when you factor in what they had to draw from their retirement funds to maintain.
You know the ocean temperature in the keys this summer was 95+ degrees, right? (look it up!) Climate change is real and invoking the name of a single ‘scientist’ doesn’t change the fact that July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded. This attitude, right here, the outright disdain for application of the scientific method, in a way that hurts everyone, is why Republicans won’t get another vote from me, and also, why young people trend D so heavily.
So what? Ian raised hell in SW Florida. There hadn’t been a hurricane come through there in our lifetime. That doesn’t mean it was climate change. Lake Jackson dumped into the sinkhole again. That’s not climate change either. The earth has been here for more days than there are people. It’s gone from a methane based atmosphere to what we have today. Climate change was a good thing — for us. In our lifetime the “climate change” warnings have gone from global warming to global cooling to global warming to “climate change but we think it’s warming”. The models used to predict the future today are remarkably unchanged from the models that have changed their minds just as often as the left needed a banner to fly. And your comment about “a single scientist”? The pseudo-scientist(s) that you listen to still haven’t gotten it right. But what can one expect from a political movement headed by a teenager?
Young people trend “D” so heavily because they’re still dependent upon mom & dad for daily life. They haven’t had enough adult experiences to understand what it takes to be an adult. There’s a reason that the middle class tends toward “R” and people migrate that way as they mature. If they’re fortunate to be able to support themself they come to understand how hurtful the Democrat giveaways are.
@ DeepStatePropagandist… deflect and project much, Saul?
DSP= Decompression Sickness Panel
I believe Florida Politics would be a more appropriate outlet for you to express your absurdities and nonsense.
The pervert editor there would welcome you with open arms and be glad to have you. You two will become fast friends.
So with one click of the mouse you can find like-minded souls who would actually appreciate you. Have a nice trip to the other side.
@A Skeptic –
” loudly promoting Democrat policies tells a lot more than you realize.”
That I have a moral compass? That I have an actual idea of how a government should work as opposed to a list of things and people I don’t like or hate? That I am paying attention? What else?
“They’re near the bottom of the economic scale and need (or want) help, and ironically are there because the Democrat policies have put them there), or they’re well above average incomes and push policies that separate themself from the needy. ”
So there are no middle class people living in cities? You know, the places that consistently vote Democratic? And there are no poor people in rural areas that consistently vote Republican. Makes perfect sense?
“And throwing the “climate change” hoax into the discussion doesn’t help your case. ”
You know the ocean temperature in the keys this summer was 95+ degrees, right? (look it up!) Climate change is real and invoking the name of a single ‘scientist’ doesn’t change the fact that July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded. This attitude, right here, the outright disdain for application of the scientific method, in a way that hurts everyone, is why Republicans won’t get another vote from me, and also, why young people trend D so heavily.
@Edward Lyle –
“Carry on comrade”
Calling you an echo chamber repeater who shills every right wing bullet point, no matter how absurd, isn’t agreeing to any of it. In fact, I was accusing you of being a troll by spouting off such ridiculous nonsense that it would be unbelievable for any single human to have so many wrong opinions that it must be some kind of long running joke. Keep going!
@DSP – loudly promoting Democrat policies tells a lot more than you realize. Those that do typically fall into 1 of only 2 groups. They’re near the bottom of the economic scale and need (or want) help, and ironically are there because the Democrat policies have put them there), or they’re well above average incomes and push policies that separate themself from the needy. Any middle class, working, Democrat is outnumbered hugely by those two groups.
And throwing the “climate change” hoax into the discussion doesn’t help your case. Look up Dr. Richard Lindzen. He’s a real scientist, not a politician looking to stir up voters or make money peddling politics to the sheep.
@ DeepStatePropagandist… So, once again you confirm that you don’t care if you align yourself with a treasonous and corrupt president who often forced his prepubescent daughter to bathe with him, a progressively-Marxist political party, and a groomer company that employs men with beards who wear dresses and target children… just so long as they continue the ruse of warming globes, keep failed economic policies, increase taxpayer funded handouts to the lazy, support the ability to murder innocent babies at-will, and continue to rigged elections.
… how earnestly machiavellian of you.
Carry on comrade
@Little Flower –
“So what I would say is drop the lawsuit”
If he wasn’t such a total wuss and knew he would win, he would say, ‘Bring it on!’, wouldn’t he? I mean, I thought he was out there fighting for you or something. Not much of a fighter, frankly.
@Snidely Whiplash –
“This disturbing look into DSP’s thought process should be an eye opening educational oppurtunitty into the inner workings of around 70% of Tally/Leon’s citizen’s brains.”
Good one! Hey, by the way, why do you think that DeSantis has changed his tune? Why isn’t he saying, ‘Bring it on!’? I mean, according to the hilariously retarded narrative of the conservative movement, Disney is actively trying to groom children to be molested. And despite that, DeSantis’s message to them is ‘move on’. Shouldn’t it be more like, ‘Bring your lawsuit on because it’s so good for my Presidential campaign! I want to show the world how I’m taking it to these grooomer companies!!”
What’s the disconnect, because, if your worldview is accurate, if DeSantis is actually a valiant knight defending children from the evil warlocks of Disney, why just meekly say, ‘Move on’? That’s a pretty soft way to deal with child molesters if you ask me.
“Just move on,” says the ‘easy on crime candidate’. Got about right.
The reality is that Republican coffers are still largely funded by big business, who are largely tired of contributing to Trump’s legal defense fund, and they don’t like the idea of some wackjob getting a government to legislate against them because they had the audacity to exercise their freedom of speech. So they told him to shut up and play nice, so he did, cause he’s been their lapdog this whole time. Woof woof.
@Edward Lyle –
I swear to god, I seriously think you are a better troll than I am! I mean, I don’t think I could have made up a better caricature of an echo chamber moron who drank so deeply from the Kool Aid pitcher and then rambled out a set of accusations of the month, but the thing is, you keep it up so well. Amazing and well done!
I would vote for Trump if his policies aligned with my vision for where we need to be headed directionally; I’d even vote for you. It just so happens, the Republican policy set (whatever those are?!), don’t align to anything except ‘own the libs’ and ‘enrich Trump’.
The Republican party literally did not create a platform in 2020 other than, ‘support Trump’. So it’s kind of hard for me to get behind them.
But the point is, I vote on policies, and nobody can describe what the republican governance policies are anymore.
““But where we are today, you know, we basically moved on. They’re suing the state of Florida, they’re going to lose that lawsuit. So what I would say is drop the lawsuit,” the Governor said on CNBC Monday.”
Above is a quote from the Florida Politics article referenced in today’s Brief. So, he’s moving on because he is confident he will win not because he thinks he will lose.
This disturbing look into DSP’s thought process should be an eye opening educational oppurtunitty into the inner workings of around 70% of Tally/Leon’s citizen’s brains.
Gentle readers … shudder … that is really how most citizens, neighbors, and coworkers that you actually know think.
Be informed and act accordingly as you make your way thru life here in Tally/Leon.
@ DeepStatePropagandist… Just so we’re clear… as it seems you’ve willingly admitted, you do align yourself with a president who often forced his prepubescent daughter to bathe with him, a progressively-Marxist political party, and a groomer company that employs men with beards who wear dresses and target children… because of warming globes, failed economic policies, taxpayer funded handouts to the lazy, ability to murder innocent babies at-will, and rigged elections.
Got it, thanks for clarifying
Despicable Silly Paddynoddy
If ever one is to be awarded a certificate of accomplishment for writing the most tedious article meaning nothing and going nowhere you would win the prize.
@Nicholas Weed –
What is your favorite part about DeSantis backing down like a little pansy? “Please don’t sue me!” Do you think Disney should just ‘move on’? Cause they aren’t gonna.
@Edward Lyle –
“Might I recommend that you seek help with your hatred for all thing America and moral… it will do you some good.”
I happen to like Democratic policies much more than Republican ones; I prefer their direction on climate, social safety nets, income (in)equality, regulatory functions of government, health care, campaign financing, abortion, and voting access for starters. But I don’t really see how that would be immoral.
What’s more, I could care less about Biden, as any generic Democrat would be directionally the same. Impeach Biden and put Kamala in. Impeach Biden and put Newsome in. Impeach Biden and put {any Democrat} in, and I wouldn’t care. Unfortunately for you, a solid 25% of the Republican base won’t vote for anyone but Trump, because the Republican ™ party is now a cult of personality, as opposed to anything with a semblance of governance ideology.
I do not understand how thinking, for example, that legislative actions to curb our inputs toward climate change, are indicative of me having a ‘hatred for all thing America and moral’. ? That is some serious hyperbole.
In any situation, let’s not forget that DeSantis was dumb enough to start a lawyer fight with Disney because it stoked the engines of the most irritable and stupid Americans (his base), then doubled down dumb enough go write a book about how he intentionally targeted private entities with legislative action for speaking their mind, and now wants to just be friends like nothing ever happened. What a little crybaby.
@ DeepStatePropagandist… As it stands, you seem to align yourself with a president who often forced his prepubescent daughter to bathe with him, a progressively-Marxist political party, and a groomer company that employs men with beards who wear dresses and target children.
Might I recommend that you seek help with your hatred for all thing America and moral… it will do you some good.
That was an award-winning commentary!
Why don’t you dress in drag and do the hula to celebrate?
– The Lion King
“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has said he has “moved on” from his feud with Disney. “Look, my wife and I, we got married at Walt Disney World. And so it’s not like we’re opposed. I mean, we’ve appreciated working with them over the years, but I would just say, go back to what you did,” DeSantis said.”
DeSantis should have been told that his fight with Disney was a legal loser, and then was dumb enough to go publish a book detailing, again and again, that he specifically targeted a private entity with legislative action for using their free speech. How dumb is this guy thinking they’re just going to ‘move on’? Disney goes after people for posting the Mulan song on youtube, they aren’t going to ‘move on’.
What a joke of a Presidential candidate, oops, I meant, ‘governor’. Governor of an Iowa corn dog fair, anyways.
The only football poll that matters is the last one at the end of the season.