For the August 14-20, TPD reported 80 crime incidents. This included 35 violent crime incidents which is 64.3% more than the average number of violent crime incidents reported on a weekly basis in 2022, which was 21.3.
The violent crime incidents included 19 assaults & batteries, 3 sexual batteries, and 10 robberies.
TPD reported 45 property crime incidents. This is 3.6% less than the average number of property crime incidents reported on a weekly basis in 2022.
The property crime incidents included 16 auto burglaries & 12residential burglaries.
The table below details the comparison of current week (August 14-August 20) incidents to 2022 statistics and the YTD numbers for 2023.

Two more fatal criminal shootings last night between French Town and Griffin Heights. Maybe change the story to the “Daily” crime report.
Welcome to New Jacks City. Until a prominent liberal Tallahassee/Leon County Resident with significant influence is harmed, no one will do anything about the rise in crime.
TR – What is out local prosecution rate?
We need a tougher DA, tougher ADA’s, tougher Prosecutor Attorney’s and tougher Judges. We need to get tougher on the Criminals and put them away for longer times. Stop reducing the Charges so they plead guilty for a couple Years instead of the 10 to 20 they would have gotten just so you can say you got another conviction.