Growth Management Agenda Features Circle K, Fazoli’s, & Single-Family Housing

Growth Management Agenda Features Circle K, Fazoli’s, & Single-Family Housing

On Thursday December 7th at 8:30 a.m., the Tallahassee Growth Management Department will hold a Type A & Pre-Submittal meeting.

The meeting will be held remotely through the WebEx meeting service.

The Type A & Pre-Submittal meetings allow applicants to receive detailed comments on their project proposals from all relevant departments. The goal is to identify potential problems & solutions early in process.

Listed below are the projects on the agenda.

Type A Site Plan

TSP230089 – Circle K – Dempsey Mayo
AGENT: Bob Johnson, (517) 285-1581
PROJECT LOCATION: Southwest corner of Welaunee Blvd and Dempsey Mayo Rd (TAX ID# 11153700A0010)
ZONING DISTRICT: Planned Unit Development (Canopy PUD)
ACRES: 1.93 acres
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is for the construction of a 5,200 square foot convenience store and 8 double-sided gas pumps under a 3,936 square foot canopy.
PROJECT COORDINATOR: Kate Daniel, Principal Planner,

TSP230091 – Fazoli’s on Mahan
MEETING TIME: 8:30 AM AGENT: Urban Catalyst Consultants, Sean Marston, (850) 999-4241
PROJECT LOCATION: 3122 MAHAN DR (TAX ID# 1121204390000)
ZONING DISTRICT: CP (Commercial Parkway)
ACRES: 0.31 acres
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is for a 3,070 square foot restaurant with outdoor seating and associated drive-thru.
PROJECT COORDINATOR: Joel Allbritton, Senior Planner,


TPA230154 – Wallis Street TLC/CLT Project
MEETING TIME: 10:00 AM AGENT: Tallahassee Lenders’ Consortium, Bobby Tedder, (850) 222-6609
PROJECT LOCATION: 411 WALLIS ST (TAX ID# 411250 A0010, 411250 A0011, 411250 A0050, 411250 H0010, 411250 H0030, 411250 H0050, & 411250 H0060)
ZONING DISTRICT: CU-45 (Central Urban – 45) and within the Multi-Modal Transportation District (MMTD) ACRES: 2.03 acres
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is for the development of 17 single-family detached-style and duplex-style dwelling units on ten existing lots.
PROJECT COORDINATOR: Kate Daniel, Principal Planner,

TPA230158 – 3160 Mission Road
MEETING TIME: 10:45 AM AGENT: Magnolia Engineering, Carmen Bourgeois Greene, (850) 385-0203 PROJECT LOCATION: 3160 MISSION RD (TAX ID# 2120519381070)
ZONING DISTRICT: MR-1 (Medium Density Residential)
ACRES: 1.26 acres
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is for the development of up to 14 duplex units.
PROJECT COORDINATOR: Joel Allbritton, Senior Planner,

TPA230156 – Sun Stop at University Village
MEETING TIME: 1:30 PM AGENT: Southeastern Consulting Service, LLC, Edward Bass III, (850) 765-5159
ZONING DISTRICT: Planned Unit Development (University Village PUD) and within the Multi-Modal Transportation District (MMTD) ACRES: 0.89 acres
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposed is the development of a 4,057 square foot convenience store and fueling station.
PROJECT COORDINATOR: Lance Jacobson, Senior Planner,

TPA230155 – The Gates
MEETING TIME: 2:15 PM AGENT: Magnolia Engineering, Carmen Bourgeois Greene, (850) 385-0203 PROJECT LOCATION: 2402 RADFORD FARM RD (TAX ID# 1104202160000)
ZONING DISTRICT: LP (Lake Protection)
ACRES: 4.56 acres
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is to subdivide the existing parcel into four residential lots. PROJECT COORDINATOR: Lance Jacobson, Senior Planner,

TPA230157 – Purposeful Beginnings Learning Center
AGENT: Magnolia Engineering, Carmen Bourgeois Greene, (850) 385-0203
ZONING DISTRICT: OR-2 (Office Residential, Medium Density) and RP-2 (Residential Preservation-2) ACRES: 0.93 acres
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is for the redevelopment of an existing structure and the construction of an additional one-story structure to be used as a pre-school learning center. PROJECT COORDINATOR: Tyler Maldonado, Senior Planner,

10 Responses to "Growth Management Agenda Features Circle K, Fazoli’s, & Single-Family Housing"

  1. TSP230089 – Circle K – Dempsey Mayo: Why on God’s green earth would you all approve a gas station in the middle of your “green” quiet new development that Canopy was promised to be? Way to trash up the place not to mention light pollution, noise pollution, potential crime..horrible Tallahassee

  2. A smart move: approve unused/abandoned commercial spaces for redevelopment as affordable rental housing.
    It would increase the tax base, and decrease the need for housing.

  3. Jay

    Smart growth is wanted … the kind that calls for safe, legal, aesthetically appealing growth, …not cutting corners so some elected officials can line their pockets with kickbacks.

  4. Another gas station? I thought we were converting to EVs. You know, the costly, impractical cars that are sitting at dealerships collecting dust that nobody seems to want to buy.

  5. Tallahassee is run by morons. They gave the FSU football team 21 million of our tax dollars, how’s that “investment” going? Morons are in charge, and to make matters worse, they’re corrupt too.

  6. Under the leadership of City Manager Reese Goad, Mayor Dailey, Curtis Richardson, and Diane Williams-Cox Tallahassee has never looked worse. It is an embarrassment and this is inexcusable.

    Anyone just drive down Blair Stone and see that the city can’t even maintain the high fence-wall. There are places where it is broken, it needs to be pressure washed then primed then painted. The roadways are not maintained. I was driving down one thoroughfare and they were cutting grass spewing the grass in the road instead of using mulcher mowers or spewing the grass inside the median. This is the most incompetent city in the US due to the most incompetent city manager and corrupt mayor in history and the two go along get alongs that only cater to their special interests instead of the citizens. Curtis even lies about not accepting contributions in bundles — he does. Liar liar pants on fire.

    Go look at Boulos on Apalachee Parkway and that is the look of the future of Tallahassee with this incompetence as leadership. The heavens were weeping on our parade, literally.

  7. TSP230089 – Circle K – Dempsey Mayo:
    SO, it’s OK to tear out all those Trees for a Gas Station/Store but not for Turn Lanes? Good to know.

    TSP230091 – Fazoli’s on Mahan:
    Fazoli’s should have picked a place that was closed up and just renovated it, I could have been eating their Pizza by now.

    TPA230154 – Wallis Street TLC/CLT Project:
    17 single-family detached-style and duplex-style dwelling units on TWO ACRES? That’s CRAZY.

    TPA230158 – 3160 Mission Road:
    14 duplex units on just 1.26 Acres. More Crazy.

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