Ethics Advocate Says Porter Should Address Travel Expense Questions

Ethics Advocate Says Porter Should Address Travel Expense Questions

Ben Wilcox, the research director for Integrity Florida, told Tallahassee Reports that questions raised by a story about City Commissioner Jack Porter’s travel expenses were “legitimate” and “deserve answers one way or another.”

Integrity Florida is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research institute and government watchdog whose mission is to promote integrity in government and expose public corruption.

TR recently reported, after reviewing City of Tallahassee records, that City Commissioner Jack Porter will not reveal who paid for certain travel expenses for her to attend conferences in 2023 sponsored by Local Progress, a far-left progressive group that encourages locally elected officials to promote certain policy positions.

Records indicate that taxpayers paid for some expenses, but other expenses were not submitted for reimbursement.

Ben Wilcox, Integrity Florida

Florida has a gift law that requires public officers to disclose gifts to the Florida Commission on Ethics (FCOE) via a Quarterly Gift Disclosure form (Form 9). Porter has not reported any gifts for 2023.

Repeated attempts to get the issue resolved has been met with silence by City Commissioner Porter.

Wilcox added, “It’s always better to err on the side of transparency when you’re a public official.”

6 Responses to "Ethics Advocate Says Porter Should Address Travel Expense Questions"

  1. Imagine how differently things might have gone if when asked if he had sex with Monica, Bubba would have simply answered, yes. Knowing who he was/is married to, most people might have thought, “it’s wrong, but I get it”. It’s not so much the act as it is the lie and cover-up.

    Porters’ response delay is likely due to her and the Progressively-Marxist group trying to figure out how to backdate a reimbursement payment.

    Come on Jacquiline, just pull a Swaggart. Pluck a nose hair to generate crocodile tears and cry, “I have sinned against youuuuu”, and ask for forgiveness. Given that most of your supporters operate on ideology-based emotions and hate, rather that facts and reality… you’ll likely get a pass.

  2. To Commonsense; A regular to TR reports, years ago, stated they always voted for the most dumb candidate for local office. Logic being…. they’d be caught the soonest .

  3. Maybe Integrity Florida should look into donations resulting in Blueprint Money for insider projects like Doak Campbell Stadium and a whiskey distillery.

    Or how about someone sees what happened to the $6 million of Rescue Plan money that was earmarked for expanding homeless shelters but ended up just being given to the Kearney Center with no strings and the other half is missing.

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