Mayor Dailey Responds to Matlow’s Attacks on TPD

Mayor Dailey Responds to Matlow’s Attacks on TPD

At the conclusion of the April 24th Tallahassee City Commission meeting, Mayor John Dailey took an opportunity to respond to City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow’s continued attacks on the Tallahassee Police Department related to a recent DUI case.

At the meeting, Dailey stated, “I’m getting tired of this Board criticizing police action after it goes to a jury of our peers. Commissioner Matlow I think it’s unacceptable. Look, we don’t have any control over the judiciary whatsoever. That is a completely separate body of government.”

However, he was quickly interrupted by Matlow who said, “That is out of order Mr. Mayor, that is a personal attack on the dais.”

Dailey responded, “I am addressing what you have been putting out on social media attacking day-in and day-out this institution, the manager, attacking the police department, and I am just tired.”

Dailey gaveled the meeting to a quick conclusion.

Matlow’s Attacks on TPD

Before, during and after the DUI trial, Commissioner Matlow promoted the narrative that a TPD officer had planted and/or fabricated evidence.

On April 6th, during the trial, Matlow posted on X, “Is there a point where you would deem it acceptable for law enforcement to fabricate and plant evidence during the course of an arrest?”

After the jury convicted the driver of a DUI, Matlow took to his social media account and posted, “The evidence presented at trial included all the hall- marks that drive distrust in law enforcement: phantom marijuana smells, fabricated evidence and incomplete body cam footage. Thankful for those that standup to injustice.”

In an email to TPD employees, Revell responded to Malow’s allegations.

Revell wrote, “I’m sure you have heard by now, but the defendant in this case was found guilty of DUI. Although they tried to discredit our officers and our department, the jury didn’t buy into the gross misrepresentation of the BWC (Body-Worn Camera) footage…” and noted the “well-publicized assumption of wrong- doing by City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow.”

However, until Mayor Dailey’s comments at the April 24th city commission meeting, no other elected official had responded to Matlow’s continued accusations.

11 Responses to "Mayor Dailey Responds to Matlow’s Attacks on TPD"

  1. Low life Mayor Daily defends the corrupt TPD but attacks and hates the TFD. Gross politics and he needs to be removed.

  2. Episode 6: Ed tries to talk TR readers into voting for career politician Curtis Richardson who raised taxes over a seasoned opponent of the Fernandez-Goad status quo

  3. I see a new Sitcom in the making here… “Porter and the Pizza Boy”. ~ The sad yet comical story of two clueless Pro-Hamas Progressives who get elected to local office and embark on a mission to destroy a city.

    Five episodes of Season 1 are already in the can.

    Episode 1: “Law Enforcement; Who needs them?”
    Episode 2: “Firefighters; eh, let it burn”
    Episode 3: “Gaza Strip?… isn’t that some kind of a vegan steak?”
    Episode 4: “Everyone is corrupt, except us of course”
    Episode 5: “Invite a terrorist to dinner”

    Work on more episodes continues as they shop networks to air the series.

  4. Well we’ve got who we have on the commission. Dreaming of ever getting an honest conservative elected then maybe another later on is likely not worthy of anyone’s dream-time.
    Lets look for something positive in the commission we have … lets see now … hmmmmm … well Big Picture … they seem to overall run the City OK and …. Chief Revel is pretty darn decent …. and …. um …. oh I got something right here for ya!
    Everyone please join me in giving props to our Comission for resisting another of their “Resolutions” perhaps supporting HAMAS and/or a “From The River To The Sea Resolution” and here’s yet another prop we can be thankfull for – Ladies & Gents our Comission did not paint over an intersection on Gaines Street in support of Intafata !!!!
    Lets all start looking for the positives in our elected Commission and start Calling Them Out for the Great Things they have done like the ones I mentioned above … Ahhh Now I sure feel better and I hope you do too!!!

  5. end it’s straightforward, if you like more taxes support Dailey and Richardson who backed new CSC and city local property tax hikes. If you oppose tax raise, Jeremy, Jack and Dot. they will at long last ditch Scott Maddox’s chosen city mgr and it’s beyond time. Dot served before the Maddox unpleasantness and can take things back to reasonable

    the Ghazvini-Yordon-chamber, vancore sean pittman era through Gillum, Marks and Dailey will at long last be outvoted. would dailey even serve out 2025-26 or just gavel out and leave like he has done lately when he doesn’t get his way?

  6. Good for Dailey. I’ve come to the conclusion that Matlow is just a dick. If you don’t agree with him he says you’re corrupt.

    No nuance, no high brow sophistication…he’s just a dick.

  7. Classic Marxist Democrat. They can sling the mud, but cry when it gets slung back at ’em.

    The two Pro-Hamas Progressive Marxists – Pizza Boy and Porter – have consistently and publicly displayed their unmitigated disdain for Law Enforcement and Law and Order in general. They are an unceasing disruption to the collegial decorum at the meetings, and often attack and flippantly accuse even their own Commission colleagues of wrongdoing without any evidence or basis whatsoever.

    They’re no different than Biden’s little Antisemitic Nazi Brown Shirt Brats throwing fits and committing crimes at colleges around the country.

    I’m not a huge fan, but kudos to Mayor Dailey for calling it out.

  8. The Mayor Flintstone felt that he had, at last, found his testicals. After all this time of Matlow stiring the political poo over this TPD drunk driving case.

    So at last Flintstone stood up to Matlow about it.

    Unfortunatly after a one sentance pushback from Matlow we all had to bare whitness to Flintstones testicals rolling across the floor as he made his quick exit stage left.

  9. unelected Lawrance Revell makes $200,000+, PBA union buddies lobbied for big property tax hike and the chief plays politics while wearing a badge… license plate readers? no thanks i;ll keep my money and personal civil liberties. need to de-annex from all this junk

  10. The hypocrisy is stunning from Mayor Flintstone. Same guy intervened in an active investigation to accuse his county colleague of a felony over jumping a fence, wasting Tally PD resources and calling cops’ judgment into question jumping to a conclusion

    Don’t always like Matlow but he’s right on this and John is dead wrong, plus the police HQ and tax increase… Dailey should stay in his lane cutting ribbons and grinning with the CSC non-profiteers. his attacks are beneath his office especially while wielding the gavel.

  11. Why didn’t Mayor Dailey include Commissioner Porter in his Comments since she too has been very outspoken against TPD as well, pretty much word for word with Commissioner Matlow?

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