Below are the Leon County School Board news briefs from the May 16, 2024 meeting.
Staff provided the Board with a presentation on the Summer Enrichment Program, which has been funded by the Children’s Services Council of Leon County. Staff explained that Leon County Schools will be serving around 200 children over the summer, and a minimum of 140 of those children will have a program scholarship to allow them to attend the full eight-week program.
The Board unanimously approved several revisions to the District’s Weapons Policy. Changes to this policy include but are not limited to, revising the definitions section to broaden the definition of a weapon and to expand the list of areas where concealed weapons are prohibited.
The Board unanimously approved revisions to the Compulsory School Attendance Policy. Revisions include repealing the current policy and replacing it with language that complies with State law requiring the parent/guardian of each student of compulsory school age or from an adult student who has been absent from school or from class for any reason, submit a statement of the cause for such absence.
The Board unanimously approved revisions to the Homeless Students Policy. Revisions include repealing the current policy and replacing it with language that complies with state law providing children and youth who are identified as meeting the federal definition of “homeless” a free appropriate education (including a public preschool education) in the same manner as all other students of the District and other services needed to provide equal opportunity.
The Board voted unanimously to waive the Policy of Naming of School and District Faculties, to name the Music Wing at Sealey Elementary School the Blair Clawson Music Wing. The agenda item explains that Mr. Clawson will retire this year after teaching 50 years, and has had positive impact on the lives of thousands of “Sealey Superstars.”
The Board voted unanimously to waive School Board Policy 6320.02 which currently provides that continuing contracts cannot exceed $1,500,000. Due to the damage done to Godby High School from flash flooding, the Board has chosen to allow for execution of a Short Form Agreement with a not to exceed provision of $4,000,000 as allowed by Florida Statues.
The Board voted unanimously to award Capital City Gutter a contract – the lowest responsible bidder – in the amount of $215,000, for the Deerlake Gutter Replacement Project.
Additionally, the mother and sister of Angel Footman, (a teacher who was arrested for allowing physical fights in her classroom) attended the meeting to defend Angel Footman claiming her daughter is innocent. Angel’s sister Tonya Footman claimed her sister had been “railroaded” by Griffin Middle School and “let down” by the District. Angel’s mother Alexis Footman stated Angel was “falsely accused and arrested of having an organized fight club in Griffin Middle School last year.” Angel’s mother also added that Angel had been bullied and ostracized for a year by the Griffin Middle School staff even after reporting it.
The commenters of these stories have missed the plot. Not all kids will succeed the first time around and may need help during the summer. It’s our responsibility as an evolved society to ensure that our children receive a fair chance at education regardless of what we THINK their parents are/are not doing.
DEI, people who live alternative lifestyles has nothing to do with providing kids with an education. Your comments only highlight how our education system has failed.
So… kids who failed throughout the year and required Summer School are now considered students of a Summer Enrichment Program requiring additional taxation and funding? … or is this just a vailed taxpayer funded babysitting program for irresponsible parents who want to sleep off their hangover from last night’s clubbing.
Before the CSC, who funded the Summer Enrichment Program?
Has all the DEI, gay gay gay, and grooming been tamped down due to Rocky & Crew becoming right in their minds?
Or are they just waiting until after Leon County Citizens re-elect them to release a new woke fire-storm on our precious childern?
Why take that chance?
I hereby issue my endorsement for Superintendant. Vote ABR, easy to remember, easy to do just remember ABR (Anyone But Rocky).