Children’s Service Council Holds Finance and Budget Meeting

Children’s Service Council Holds Finance and Budget Meeting

On June 10, 2024, the Children’s Service Council of Leon County (CSC) held a finance and budget meeting to review the millage rate for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year.

For FY 2023-24, the Council approved a total budget of $9,633,960 with a millage rate of 0.3477. The final vote on the 2024-25 millage rate will take place in the fall.

During the public comment portion of the June 10 meeting, Emily Fritz brought attention to the fact that the document that lists the projected millage rates for the Council to vote on was a tax increase (even at their current millage rate).

Ms. Fritz asked the Council to include a roll back option. She stated, “The last thing people need is a tax increase. They are struggling. They are more worried about keeping their homes than frankly what you guys are doing with all due respect.” Lastly, she noted, in her view, public was not aware of the CSC’s accomplishments.

Council Member Paul Mitchell addressed Ms. Fritz’s comments noting the Council would be putting the rollback millage rate as an option, and stated, “I think the Council has a little more confidence in what we’re doing and also has a good idea of how much we are spending.”

Mitchell continued, “It’s important that we regardless of where we ask for $1 or $100 from a taxpayer, that we do a good job of showing what that $1 or $100 brought to them.”

Mitchell also commended Council Member Carolyn Cummings for speaking out against the County asking the CSC to replicate the Community Human Service Partnership (CHSP) and take over funding their youth and family services. He stated, “It seemed like it was going to be sort of a bait and switch– that we were going to be told ‘here’s your new responsibilities and you’re not getting the resources’ which is not what the voters asked for so I’m very proud of you for standing up.”

The next CSC meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

11 Responses to "Children’s Service Council Holds Finance and Budget Meeting"

  1. What does it matter when the assessed value goes up AND many peoples are limited? I’m already paying 3x as much tax as my neighbor with the same value house.

  2. The Children’s Service Council board positions should be all volunteer. People who really care about children and their future would do a much better job.

  3. I opposed it and voted against it; however, since it is in place the least the CSC can do is to provide accountability. There is no measure of how the money they throw at a non-profit produces results that improve the lives of children. Projects are funded year after year with no tangible results.

  4. I do not have a clue regarding what they have done or if what they do is even necessary or cost effective. How many citizens have benefitted from this program and at what cost per person??? I was against being taxed to fund this and agree that there should be a roll-back on the millage rate.

  5. Can we get a list of all those that were Working at the CSC when it first Formed and what each of their Salaries were then and then see a list of all those working there now and what their Salaries are NOW? I know more people were Hired and some got Pay Raises.

  6. The primary goal and purpose for even forming the CSC was to improve how well the children are prepared to enter their school years. That’s how the program was first presented and that’s what we voted our tax dollars to be used for.

    So, when are we going to see some factual information that clearly shows how spending this rather significant amount of money is starting to improve the school-readiness of the local children?

  7. The primary goal and purpose for even forming the CSC was to improve how well the children are prepared to enter their school years. That’s how the program was first presented and that’s what we voted our tax dollars to be used for.

    So, when are we going to see some factual information that clearly shows how spending this rather significant amount of money is starting to improve the school-readiness of the local children?

  8. Raising taxes to pay for growing the welfare state must end. Working and being self-sufficient is a distant second behind being on welfare and government assistance.

  9. Does ANYONE not on the Council, KNOW what they DO or what they are spending our Tax Dollars on? I sure don’t.

  10. CSC: County Scam Council with Republican lobbyists praising Democrat kommisars, opposing conservatives like Emily who want to slow down the spending. not good for taxpayers. whole thing should be repealed.

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