Public Records Show Porter Ignored City Attorney’s Advice, Concealed Source of Financial Gifts

Public Records Show Porter Ignored City Attorney’s Advice, Concealed Source of Financial Gifts

The latest documents obtained by Tallahassee Reports indicates City Commissioner Jack Porter ignored advice from the Tallahassee city attorney and concealed financial gifts received from the left-wing progressive group, Local Progress.

The Local Progress group advocates for the implementation of progressive policies at the local government level by paying for local elected officials to travel to conferences.

Porter joined the organization in 2020 as a regular member and in 2021 became part of the leadership in Florida.

An ethics complaint was filed this week with the Florida Commission on Ethics related to the Porter controversy. The complaint alleges Porter failed to report third party payments of her travel expenses as gifts.

Porter Failed to Follow Attorney Advice on Financial Gift

According to media reports, on Nov. 2, 2021, Porter asked then-City Attorney Cassandra Jackson whether it would violate city or state ethics law if she accepted payment of travel expenses to attend a meeting of Local Progress.

Jackson responded by telling Porter it would not violate the ethics laws if the city paid her expenses up front and Local Progress reimbursed the city.

This process would provide a public record of the travel and who was responsible for expenses. Jackson also indicated if this process was not followed, Porter would have to disclose the expenses paid by Local Progress as a gift.

The Tallahassee Democrat reported that “It wasn’t immediately clear whether” Porter followed the attorney’s advice.

However, records obtained by TR on Friday, indicate Porter did not follow Jackson’s advice.

TR asked for all reimbursements provided to the City of Tallahassee by Local Progress, the group that paid for Porter’s travel. After researching the three trips that Local Progress helped finance, the city provided an email to TR which stated, “There were no reimbursements to the City for these trips.”  

Since Porter failed to follow the disclosure process outlined by City Attorney Jackson, she needed to disclose the paid expenses as gifts.

However, a search of the city gift disclosure forms indicates Porter did not disclose the financial gifts.

The Trips

The trips at the center of the controversy include Porter’s attendance of three Local Progress conferences.

Porter traveled to Tempe, Arizona in December, 2021. There is no public record of who paid for the expenses related to the trip.

In March, 2023, Porter traveled to Washington D.C to attend a Local Progress conference and in September, 2023 she traveled to St. Louis, Missouri to attend an event. Various expenses for the trips are not accounted for in city expense reports.

Porter Deflects Questions

After TR discovered that a third party paid for Porters travel expenses, Porter ignored inquiries from TR.

Even after Ben Wilcox, the research director for Integrity Florida, told Tallahassee Reports that questions raised by the travel expenses were “legitimate” and “deserve answers one way or another,” Porter remained silent.

In addition, other media outlets failed to follow-up until the ethics complaint was filed.

Porter’s now says she can’t discuss details until the ethics complaint is resolved.

Questions Remain

Amid the ethics complaint and the revelation that Local Progress financed Porters trips, questions remain.

How much money is involved? It would appear that Local Progress paid thousands in expenses for the three trips to Tempe, St. Louis & Washington D.C.

Are there more trips than have already been disclosed?

What, if anything, did Local Progress expect in return?

And why has Porter hidden her affiliation with Local Progress with the voters of Tallahassee?

7 Responses to "Public Records Show Porter Ignored City Attorney’s Advice, Concealed Source of Financial Gifts"

  1. Sir I believe my comment about John Marks was deleted…….
    We still have Free Speech in this country nd I expect you to respect that……

  2. A lot of folks here seem to be trying to deflect from the clear and present ethics violation committed by our own little Pro-Hamas Progressive AOC MiniMe. I’m surprised that Pizza Boy hasn’t jumped on to blame LEOs. Like I always say; No matter how you arrange the letters D E M O C R A T… it will always spell HYPOCRITE

  3. Who funds Local Progress, and how much is its top employee paid?
    From InfluenceWatch dot org:
    Executive Director: Ivan Luevanos-Elms
    Executive Director’s Salary (2022): $166,477
    Budget (2022):
    Revenue: $691,312
    Expenses: $599,711
    Assets: $458,425.

    Since 2019, Local Progress Policy Institute’s most notable supporter has been the Ford Foundation, which announced $5,479,546 in grants between 2019 and 2023. Other major Local Progress Policy Institute funders include the AFL-CIO, Communications Workers of America, William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, Arnold Ventures, and McKnight Foundation.

    Anything there connected to Soros, folks?

  4. good point david. city did not pay for Porter’s travel unlike you and me picking up tab every year for Chamber conference which = tens of thousands in TAXPAYER $$ every year. Scott and Paige lurked with JT Burnette on Amelia Island fully subsidized by all of us.

  5. “Jackson responded by telling Porter it would not violate the ethics laws if the city paid her expenses up front and Local Progress reimbursed the city.” …………………. MY Question IS: Why would the City Pay for this Trip since it is NOT Commission Business?

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