Progressive Speakers Attack TPD at City Commission Meeting

Progressive Speakers Attack TPD at City Commission Meeting

At the June 19th city commission meeting, during the time allocated for public speakers, several progressive activists took the opportunity to attack Tallahassee Police Department, specific police officers and Chief Revell.

The speakers referenced killer cops, crooked cops, police hunting blacks, TPD reign of terror, and called Chief Revell a killer.

The clips are from one city commission meeting.

9 Responses to "Progressive Speakers Attack TPD at City Commission Meeting"

  1. Progressive always get it wrong – if there a bad police officer then there should be a mechanism to remove them !
    but over all crime going to climb and then what ?every one will complain of that . Learn from Seattle and Portland mistakes drug and crime up

  2. These people have no real accomplishments in life and way too much free time. They’re actually pretty pathetic. Probably have to YouTube instructions on changing a flat tire. Weak minded individuals.

  3. A clear indication of what will happen if Ant-LEO Pizza Boy and Jackboot Porter get their 3rd vote on the Commission… aka: Dot.

    Porter and Matlow are ideological zealots whose only interest is the Pro-Hamas Progressive Agenda of Destruction… full stop.

    Keep Curtis Richardson and vote out Jackboot Porter… then dump Pizza Boy next election so we can get our City back on track.

  4. They support Hamas and hate the police… I can’t think of a better reason to hire more cops, pay them more money, and give them a butt kicking bonus for every loudmouthed, Kalifa wearing agitator they put out of our misery.

    “The world is a jungle where the weak are eaten.” Uncle Bud

  5. We need to give TPD and LCSO MORE Money and hire more Officers and Deputies. If you are pulled over and you are driving with a Suspended License, don’t have your License with you or refuse to show your License when aske for it, you should automatically be arrested. If you try to run from Law Enforcement or become Combative, you should automatically receive 30 Days in Jail. When word gets out, things may straighten up.

  6. Nothing new here. Just the Matlow-Porter soldiers reading their TCAC talking points. “Defund the police, reinstate the citizen review board, free Palestine.”

    Vote out the progressives.

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