Citizens Tops 1.211M Policies

Citizens Tops 1.211M Policies

By The News Service of Florida

The state’s Citizens Property Insurance Corp. topped 1.211 million policies last week, as it continued to add thousands of customers. Citizens had 1,211,914 policies as of Friday, up from 1,207,292 policies a week earlier and 1,202,696 policies two weeks earlier, according to information on its website.

Citizens, which was created as an insurer of last resort, has become the state’s largest carrier in recent years as private companies dropped policies and raised rates because of financial problems. Citizens reached as many as 1.412 million policies in fall 2023 before seeing reductions because of what is known as a “depopulation” program designed to shift policies into the private market.

State leaders have long sought to limit the number of policies in Citizens, at least in part because of financial risks if Florida is hit by a major hurricane or multiple hurricanes. With hurricane season starting June 1, Citizens officials have said they do not expect private carriers to take out policies over the next few months. But Citizens President and CEO Tim Cerio said during a meeting last month that new estimates show Citizens could have fewer than 1 million policies by the end of the year.

3 Responses to "Citizens Tops 1.211M Policies"

  1. @ DeepStatePropagandist… lay off the meth and CNN.

    FACT: The climate has been changing since the beginning of time and will continue to change until the end of time. To believe that we insignificant little carbon-based lifeforms can alter the evolutionary path of a plant by taxing people into poverty, driving a Prius, killing birds and whales with windmills, trying to keep cows from farting, and using child slave labor to mine cobalt in Africa… is pure ignorant hubris.

    Climate change is real… it’s just a fear-mongering term used by the left to exploit for profit the scientific reality known as “historically-cyclical weather patterns”.

  2. Yes, but at least cities can outlaw sleeping outside and drag shows are in steep decline! Never mind that if more than one major storm hits Florida, Citizen’s coffers will be as empty as Joe’s eyes during the debate, we are owning the homeless and drag queens, which is what is actually important to the citizens of Florida.

    Beryl is the earliest category 5 hurricane ever recorded, but it is a complete coincidence that the ocean is as warm as it usually is in August because climate change is a hoax conceived by Marxist Hamas professors of art history. The ocean is so woke.

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