The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Thursday, July 11, 2024


Jon Ausman: It may be time that Republican County Chair Evan Power publicly declare Leon County Democratic Chair Ryan Ray as their Most Valuable Republican Secret Agent.

The Leon County Commission is changing its plan for extending Dempsey Mayo Road across Miccosukee Road into the Welaunee development. The move comes amid concerns from residents about the impact of construction.

Leon County Schools is increasing meal prices for the upcoming school year due to what the district describes as significant increases in food and labor costs in recent years.

On July 8th, the Leon County School Board held an agenda review/workshop meeting and discussed the Board’s cell phone policy and the Discipline Matrix Guide.


The Libertarian Party of Florida on Tuesday formally endorsed a constitutional ballot initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana in the state. According to a statement released by party leadership, its support is predicated upon their belief that individuals should have the right to make their own decisions regarding cannabis without government involvement.

First Lady Jill Biden is wading into Florida Politics for the second time in two days, denouncing Donald Trump during a call with press. In an economical two-minute speech said to be “between meetings,” Jill Biden told reporters that Trump was no “moderate” on the abortion issue, laying blame on the former President’s trio of Supreme Court picks for rollbacks in reproductive rights.


CNN is cutting about 100 jobs, nearly 3% of its workforce, as CEO Mark Thompson yesterday unveiled a new digital strategy for the company amid declining TV viewership and revenue.

The White House yesterday released new rules strengthening tariffs on metals routed through Mexico. The rules build upon former President Donald Trump’s 2018 tariffs, which set a 25% tax on steel imports and a 10% tax on aluminum imports.

US stock markets close higher (S&P 500 +1.0%, Dow +1.1%, Nasdaq +1.2%); S&P 500 notches 37th record close for the year, Nasdaq notches 27th (More). 


4 Responses to "The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Thursday, July 11, 2024"

  1. I am Pro-Life, always have been always will be. With that said…….
    01) 12 Weeks MAX.
    02) Tax Dollars should NEVER pay for it OR support the Clinics that perform it.
    03) The Person receiving one should be made to watch the procedure on a Monitor while it takes place.

  2. In recently discovered documents, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) at the end of May issued an enforcement Warning Letter to the City of Tallahassee for the THIRTEEN raw sewage spills in April. There was no mention of the numerous sewage spills since January 1st. The City’s response cited the large storm in April, however, omitted mentioning they stopped a consultant’s work in June, 2023 focusing on Infiltration of water into the city’s very leaky sewage collection system! The soon-to-be non-profit, Tallahassee Regional Environmental Group (fka Tallahassee Sewage and Wakulla Basin Advocacy Group) responded to FDEP’s Warning Letter by calling for substantial fines and the creation of another Enforcement Consent Order requiring the City to address it’s massive infiltration issues and make sewage spills caused by rainfall and underground water, a thing of the past. For more information including all documents, go to:

  3. I was at the Meeting and got to hear some of the talk about this. The biggest problem that the City AND County Commissioners have is “Over Designing”. When they do the Dempsey Mayo Road and Edenfield Road extensions, I will be it gets Over Designed with a lot of un-needed Items. No Sidewalks, Curbing, 10 foot wide Bike Paths are needed. Leave as many Trees as possible, clear just enough Land to lay down a Two Lane Road. You already talked about dropping the Speed Limit to 25 MPH so it wont matter if a Tree is 3 or 4 feet from the Road.

  4. “CNN is cutting about 100 jobs”

    Awesome… finally a good news story! Lay with the dogs and you’re gonna get fleas… and eventually those fleas gotta go.

    Bye Felicias!

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