President Biden Ends Reelection Bid

President Biden Ends Reelection Bid

President Joe Biden ended his reelection bid yesterday, concluding a weekslong pressure campaign after last month’s presidential debate reignited concerns about his age and electability. Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him. 

The announcement frees almost 3,900 delegates—often party leaders and activists pledged to Biden through states’ primary process—to back another candidate. If Harris wins the majority of the Democratic Party’s almost 4,700 total delegate votes, she can immediately inherit the more than $240M raised by the Biden-Harris campaign. If another Democrat successfully challenges Harris, there would be restrictions on accessing those donations. Harris says she plans to “earn and win” the nomination; she has not yet announced her intended vice presidential pick.

Next, the Democratic candidate for president will be decided either through reviving the pre-1968 open convention process when the Democratic National Convention begins Aug. 19, or in a virtual roll call vote planned for early August. Party leaders are likely to work to finalize the Democratic ticket before Ohio’s ballot deadline in August.

See live updates on the election here.

11 Responses to "President Biden Ends Reelection Bid"

  1. Thanks, Edward.
    You’re spot-on too.
    “Momala” would give the right to vote to criminals, even the Boston Bomber, yikes!

  2. New Maven is correct. Kamala Harris is neither African American nor “black”. Her mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica. But as Hillary admitted – to the Democrats – “they all look alike”. Kamala’s only connection to Africa was her family’s heritage as slave owners and slave traders.

    Harris was born and raised with a silver spoon in her mouth, and the only school bus she waited on was the bus to her privileged Private School. She got her start in politics by being the mistress of the ex-mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown. And, as the AG of California, she imprisoned thousands of real AA’s for minor weed infractions. She’s a fraud… just like Dementia Joe.

  3. So the Democrats kicked to the curb Biden, who was mentored by former KKK “Exalted Cyclops” Sen. Robert Byrd, and replaced him with Harris, whose ancestor, Jamaican Hamilton Brown, owned 124 slaves in the 1800’s?
    I’ll never understand why Black people are so enamored with the Party of Slavery.

  4. Biden’s decision raises some interesting questions.

    Now that there’s no Biden influence to sell to our adversaries and so-called allies, where will the foreign money that Hunter has been gathering for the Biden Empire come from? The Bidens may be dining at McDonalds and Chick-fil-a in the near future.

    How will “Camel-A” worm her way out of questions regarding how she could participate in what was clearly a coverup of Joe Biden’s physical and mental deterioration for at least the last couple of years?

    If “Camel-A,” (a black female) is the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, will a significant number of black male and female (both black and white) voters cast their votes for her just because of her color and gender?

    If anyone has the thought of asking her to list her accomplishments (not activities) while being Vice President of the United States of America, the list might be embarrassingly short. Heads-up Donald Trump.

    Time will tell.

  5. @ Edward Lyle = I agree with what you said and need to add a little something……….. SOME of the States did not have a Democratic Primary and just gave the Win to Biden therefore Biden did not really get those Democrat Votes.

  6. @ DeepStatePropagandist… one more thing to ponder, if you so choose…

    It has been widely reported that Pelosi sent Biden’s aides to him with “data” she “threatened to release to the public” if he didn’t get out. What data might that be? Several polls had Biden still within striking distance and a few still had him within the margin of error. Are the pollsters lying to us?… does Pelosi have damaging info on or about the Bidens?

    Dirt to exploit is SOP in DC. That’s how they get these clowns to vote for stupid things. Don’t you remember the story about the Congressional Perv Fund that led to several resignations? A story that disappeared from the press faster than a crack rock in Hunter’s pipe.

    Wake up, sport… you and we have been lied to about everything for years and years and years. Lies, corruption, dysfunction, and hypocrisy are the only true bipartisan acts going on within the DC R&D Establishment Swamp.

  7. @ DeepStatePropagandist… just a few points of reality for you… if I may…

    1. To quote from President Biden’s letter… “I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down…” That is literally putting his “party” before our “country”… in print no less.

    2. Democrats failed at their coup attempts on President Trump, and they succeeded with their coup attempt against President Biden. Practice makes perfect… as they say.

    3. President Trump has always put “America First”. President Biden constantly put America Last. Just ask our Veterans – to name just one group – and illegal aliens living large on our dime.

    4. Sadly, President Biden is in an advancing stage of Dementia. Vice President, Harris – as well as – many Democrats and their media PACs have known this for several years and have lied to America and colluded to willfully cover up this reality. Age isn’t the issue.

    Something for you to ponder, if you please… If, as you and your ilk consistently claim, that President Biden is the most effective and accomplished President in history… then why has he never led in the polls against President Trump? Why did he drop out? Why would he drop out if he truly places our country ahead of his Party?

    Your Party had a Primary, the so-titled Leader of your Party, President Biden, was chosen by your voters, and your Party Elites took him out.

    Do tell us again who the “threat to Democracy” is?

  8. The only problem now is, can we get Hunter Biden off the ticket too?

    ” Now, those same people have successfully pulled off a coup of our current President.”

    Talk about doublethink! In one sentence, Democrats are incompetent and so awful at their jobs that they ruin the country, in the next, they have successfully pulled a coup!

    The difference is, Biden realized that country comes before he does, something Trump has never grasped and never will. Everyone on the right, and most on the left, thought Biden was too old to run. So he heard the message and quit. What’s the problem? Isn’t that what you wanted?

  9. Wow… who’da thunk it… the Hearing on Capitol Hill on the failures to protect President Trump on July 13th has devolved into the typical DC calamity.

    Republicans are asking pertinent questions and getting the standard stonewalling of “because int’s under investigation, I can’t answer that” … and the Democrats have redirected the cause of it all to the 1960s Civil Rights Movement and “it’s the guns fault”.

    Conclusion: We will never get the truth, and no one will ever be held accountable.

    Bid’ness as usual in what is… the DC R&D Establishment Swamp.

  10. The Democrat Party, their media and social media PACs, and the DC Administrative State orchestrated a soft coup against President Trump using bogus, illegal, and unconstitutional impeachments – as well as – lawfare, unfettered character attacks, and attempts at financial ruin. Those efforts have failed to deter the man’s love of our country. Now, those same people have successfully pulled off a coup of our current President.

    My guess is that President Biden not only did not write his “bow out” letter, but likely didn’t even sign it himself. His handlers weren’t “summoned” to Delaware and told by Joe he was dropping out… they were “sent” to Delaware to tell Joe he was out. That’s why he didn’t address the Nation about it and hasn’t been seen in public for days. They are busy trying to keep Joe, Jill, and the Biden Family Crime Syndicate calm… now that they have been made aware that they NEVER were in control of their future or our Country.

    We are now in a state of “Chaos by Design”. And the outstanding question is… who is/are the man, woman, or people behind the curtain. Who is behind The Resolute Desk today and what is/are their plan(s)?

    Always remember… whatever they are accusing the other side of, they are in fact guilty of.

    Tell me again WHO is/are the “Threat to Democracy?

  11. My question now is: What happens to all the Ballots that have already been printed and all the one ones already mailed out? Are they all now Voided? If you Vote for Biden, is that going to count as a Vote for WHO EVER the Democrats decide to Put Up? What Happens?

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