Stewart: Jack Porter Plays Politics Amid JetBlue Exit

Stewart: Jack Porter Plays Politics Amid JetBlue Exit

It was a sad day for Tallahassee, but a political opportunity for Jack Porter.

Hours after Tallahassee received the devastating news about JetBlue pulling out of the Capital City, City Commissioner Jack Porter wasted no time in taking the opportunity to further divide the community and score cheap political points.

“This news is really unfortunate— another step backwards under this majority’s agenda that is too busy spending millions on sprawl and corporate giveaways,” said Porter.

The fact that JetBlue announced exits in seven other cities – including Charlotte, North Carolina, did not matter to Porter.

The fact that passenger traffic at TIA is up 15% year-over-year did not matter to Porter.

For Porter, it was about blaming the majority!

The comments reveal a level of immaturity with a young politician who was given a rare opportunity to govern back in 2020. During that election cycle Tallahassee voters were looking for a leader with a fresh voice amid corruption scandals in the headlines.

The voters took a chance with an inexperienced Porter.

Instead of a fresh voice bringing the community together on issues – as she promised, the voters got a Matlow protege, someone who during the last three years has repeatedly demonstrated she is more infatuated with her progressive ideology and a progressive majority than with the fate of Tallahassee.

And there are, as they say, receipts.

She had rather travel to progressive training conferences than attend the Annual Chamber Community Conference where small businesses, non-profits and other elected leaders talk Tallahassee.

She had rather fraternize with the Tallahassee Community Action Committee (TCAC) – a socialist group that routinely calls Chief Revell a murderer and Tallahassee police officers cop killers than denounce their hateful rhetoric.

She had rather support police abolitionists than recognize the need for more police officers.

She had rather vote against Amazon jobs than acknowledge the value of a job.

She had rather defend a drunk driver than applaud the actions of a TPD officer.

And now we know Porter had rather score political points when Tallahassee is hit with bad news than demonstrate maturity and leadership.

Yes, it was a sad day for Tallahassee.