Tallahassee Crime Incidents Down YTD, Robbery Down 18.0%

Tallahassee Crime Incidents Down YTD, Robbery Down 18.0%

Seven months through 2024, the number of crime incidents reported by the Tallahassee Police Department remain down when compared to 2023. The latest numbers shown that robbery incidents are down double digits. However, the numbers show that residential burglaries are up 3.2% YTD.

TPD Incidents

The daily TPD incident reports indicate that the total number of crime incidents through July 31, 2024, are down 5.0 % when compared to the same period in 2023.

TR’s last report indicated the total number of crime incidents was down 4.2% year-to-date (YTD).

The numbers show that property crime incidents were down 3.2% and violent crime incidents were down 8.7% during the period.

Property crimes encompass burglaries, thefts, incidents of vandalism, and violent offenses, including aggravated assaults, armed robberies, and physical altercations.

While property crimes are down YTD, a closer look shows that residential burglaries are up 3.2% when compared to the same period in 2023.

The decrease in property crime is being driven by a 5.6% decrease in auto related incidents and a 4.7% decrease in commercial burglaries.

The violent crime data during the period shows that robbery incidents were down 18.0%, while assault & battery incidents were down 5.5%.

Fatal Shootings

During this period, there have been 16 fatal shootings in 2024, compared to 10 fatal shooting deaths in 2023. However, records show the rate of fatal shootings increased dramatically in 2023 from August 1 through December 31, with 13 fatal shootings.

TR will continue to provide an update to the crime incident report.

3 Responses to "Tallahassee Crime Incidents Down YTD, Robbery Down 18.0%"

  1. Where are the sexual assaults and/or rapes reported? On and off campuses? Do campus reports tie in to the afore-mentioned statistics? What is encompassed under the property robberies? Walmarts and such? What about crimes against children and elderly more specifically?

    Why is the ABSOLUTELY no transparency when it comes to the actual breakdown of occurrences? Not enough manpower? I’m all in… give me the info and I will break it down to better advise our neighborhoods!!!

  2. Crime will thrive when liberal/progressive officials prosecute law enforcement personnel more than criminals.

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