Jack Porter Turns to Scott Maddox for Election “Help”… Again

Jack Porter Turns to Scott Maddox for Election “Help”… Again

On Friday, City Commissioner Jack Porter sent a campaign text message referencing former City Commissioner Scott Maddox and the “corruption era” in an effort to appeal to Republican voters.

Ironically, Porter sought Maddox’s counsel – after he was indicted on corruption charges – during her first 2020 campaign for the city commission, which she eventually won.

The text message comes just before the biggest weekend of early voting and days before the August 20 election.

The Campaign Message

In the text message Porter states, “yes it’s true, all the candidates in our race are Democrats.”

Porter then states “I’ve championed ethics reforms that would turn the page from the Scott Maddox corruption era for good…”

However, in 2020 it was reported that the days before Porter won her first election, she “took an unusual meeting with a rather unexpected person”, Scott Maddox.

Maddox was indicted in late 2018, and later pleaded guilty to federal charges. He was replaced on the commission by Elaine Bryant, whom Porter defeated in the 2020 primary.

When approached in 2020 about the meeting, Porter declined to say when or where she chatted with Maddox or what they discussed. In addition to Maddox, she said she also met with other officials.

“I met with everyone because their perspectives matter to the process and to governing,” she said.

In the campaign text message sent to Republicans, Porter also referenced her vote against a recent property tax increase that was used to fund law enforcement.

The message is seen by most as an attempt to promote a fiscal conservative narrative to Republican voters.

After the vote in 2023, Porter told WCTV, “There is so much that we know that is leading to that increase in crime and I don’t believe the police budget, or the police are equipped to handle in the best way. I think alternatives would be investing in our housing, investing in our social services, investing in mental health services.”

6 Responses to "Jack Porter Turns to Scott Maddox for Election “Help”… Again"

  1. Commissioner Porter, I have been saying for a while now when posting on Crime Articles “YOU WILL GET CAUGHT”. Soon you will start seeing Yard Signs around Town that will simple say “YOU WILL GET CAUGHT” and a web site below it to warn Criminals and Would Be Criminals that YES, they WILL Get Caught if they commit a Crime. I know these signs are going to start showing up because I am buying the first 100 Signs.

  2. “yes it’s true, all the candidates in our race are Democrats.”

    Correction: Two of the candidates are Democrats. However, one of them (Jack “AOC Mini-Me” Porter) is an Anti-Democracy Pro-Hamas Progressive Lunatic…. a Pizza Boy Matlow puppet, as it were.

    There is a distinction.

  3. Ironically, Jack is under an ethics charge investigation which, I will bet the farm, will likely to be found credible. You cannot make this up. Time to move on citizens. The challengers do not hate the police and safety of is the top responsibility of local government. Think about it, the State make the laws, local implement. Without well funded, equipped LEOs the rest is meaningless. Go back to the Marks, Favors-Thompson era of underfunding…led the state in violent crime.

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