City Commissioner Jack Porter won a second term on the Tallahassee city commission winning a majority of votes cast in Tuesday’s primary election and avoiding a November runoff.
Porter won her first race for Seat 1 with approximately 52% of the vote in 2020.
Porter won with 53.46% of the vote (18,062) followed by Rudy Ferguson with 38.79% (13,105) and Louis Dilbert with 7.75% (2,617).
Porter avoided a November runoff by 1,180 votes. There were 33,7864 votes cast.

While the details are not yet available, preliminary information shows that Porter won approximately 57% of the early vote – which includes early in person voting and absentee votes. As election day votes were tabulated her final margin of victory fell to 53.46%.
Of note, approximately 2,000 absentee votes were cast on election day.
TR will have more information on the voting details around Porter’s victory later today.
The few conservatives who could have changed things, but didnt bother to care, get what they deserve.
@ Beppo… save it, staffer. Do you own homework, or as usual, have your mom do it for you.
Apathy and ignorance are a Democrat Party voter strategy, in this county particularly. Apathy among the Republicans because they are so outnumbered and have no real Party apparatus…so why bother. Ignorance of a malleable Democrat electorate who vote based on lies, deception, and emotion… facts and reality be damned.
Your post itself… to wit: “Republican legislation in multiple states restricting voter turnout” proves the point. That is a boldfaced lie, and you know it. It is your Party that insults our communities of color by insisting that they are too dumb to get an ID or follow directions.
You Party is also radically Antisemitic. May I remind you that your President’s response to the mass of antisemitic protesters – financed and bussed in by the Democrats – at your own convention, who are chanting death to Israel and burning the Israeli and American flags was… “they have a point”… Funny how you and your ilk always leave out any mention or empathy for the mass murder and rape of Israeli women and children on October 7th.
You want to see garbage, hypocrisy and lies… find a mirror nearby and check yourself, Beppo the Clown.
@Edward, I would like to see the data that suggests lower voter turnout favors Democrats over Republicans juxtaposed against the Republican legislation in multiple states restricting voter turnout. Given the national Democrat platform that Israel has the right to defend itself, I’m not sure why you would suggest anti-Semitism. Additionally, I’m not sure why you would suggest opposing the mass murder of children as anti-Semitic.
Hypocrisy isn’t isolated to any one party. Pro-life life (unless they’re Palestinian) until the life is born, then no welfare; that’s the most basic example. I recommend you examine your positions from both sides before spewing garbage.
@ David… As I’ve noted before, Democrats have realized that they can win by virtue of apathy and ignorance… also known as, “the undervote and the ill-informed”
Interesting enough though… it does support my longstanding theory of reality. To wit:
It appears that the Democrats have chosen the anti-LEO, Antisemitic, ethically-challenged, deceptive “white” chic… over either of two qualified “black” men options. Ergo – and as always been the case – it is the Democrats who are the REAL anti-Democracy, corrupt, lying, racists in this country.
Like I always say; No matter how you arrange the letters D E M O C R A T… it will always spell HYPOCRITE.
And as I’ve also said many times… If we elect these kinds of folks into office, we deserve the results of our apathy and ignorance.
I can’t believe how so few People Voted.