Below are the Tallahassee Community Redevelopment Agency meeting briefs from August 22nd, 2024.
Item 7.01 The CRA voted 5-0 to authorize $600,000 for the Osceola Street Sidewalk Project. The sidewalk will connect existing sidewalks on Osceola Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd and will span approximately 1,300ft (0.25 miles)
Item 7.02 The CRA voted 5-0 to authorize an amount not to exceed $159,417.00 for the Bond Community Health Clinic, Inc. located at 1549 S Monroe Street to assist exterior improvements.
Item 7.3 The CRA voted 5-0 to approve renaming of the current Frenchtown heritage hub located at 524 N. Martin Luther King Blvd in honor of James A. Bellamy.
Item 8.01 The CRA voted 5-0 to allocate $250,000 for activation of Exterior Spaces as part of the C.K. Steele Plaza Revitalization Project located at 111 W. Tennessee Street which includes a multi-use park, ADA compliance, seating, bike racks, landscaping and event amenities.
Item 8.02 The CRA voted 5-0 to approve the funding request in the amount of $2.5 million for the Monroe Downtown Sidewalk Enhancement Project spanning S Monroe Street from Jefferson Street to Park Avenue and N Monroe Street from Park Avenue to Call Street skipping the Chains of Parks block.
Item 9.01 The CRA voted 5-0 to adopt Tallahassee Community Re-Development Agency Project Funding Programs Revisions. Three new programs will be introduced: Facade assistance and community enhancement (FACE), Commercial Property Improvement Program (CPIP), and New Construction Assistance Program. These will aim to fill gaps present in the previous funding programs such as limited dollar for dollar match for small project funding, the application process being too tedious for small scale projects, and medium and large-scale project funding being limited to interior renovations.
Item 10.01 The CRA voted 5-0 to adopt the proposed FY 2025 CRA Operating and Capital Budget.
Greater French Town/Southside FY 2025 CRA Budget

Downtown FY 2025 CRA Budget

The CRA voted 4-1 (Mayor Dailey against) for staff to explore options related to funding the redevelopment of Railroad Square which was damaged when tornadoes moved through the area.
I just wish they’d build decent bus stops that keep riders dry in the rain and out of the sun…they could also build some bus pull-ins to load and unload on Capitol Circle and other major roads to keep from blocking traffic??
No, let’s buy a private venue like RRS…sheesh….
The city spends a year and who knows how much money fighting with firefighters over how much? Then votes easily to look at spending money on RR. Its private property. Unless there is a PUBLIC need to buy it for some uses that everyone benefits from, ie for a police or fire station, a park, roads, utilities, then let private people buy it. We need more student housing….
Get ready to fork out even more taxes so the city can buy up Railroad Square.
(So they can flip it to their benefactors/developers.)
@ Joe = Exactly, which is why I asked the Question.
David: You don’t have to rip out the old sidewalks and possibly move or re-align the pedestrian signals
Looking at the Satellite Map, it looks like you will be putting in a new Sidewalk along Osceola from MLK to Adams where there isn’t one SO, my question is how is a Quarter Mile Long Sidewalk on Osceola Street costing just $600,000 but the Monroe Street Sidewalk Enhancement Project of about the same length costing $2.5 Million?