Violent Crime Incidents Down 28%, Property Crime Incidents Up 5.2%

Violent Crime Incidents Down 28%, Property Crime Incidents Up 5.2%

Tallahassee Police Department crime incident data over the last four weeks shows a 28.1% drop in violent crime incidents when compared to the same period in 2023. The data also shows a 5.2 % increase in property crime incidents.

The combined numbers show an 8.0% drop in total crime incidents in 2024 during the last four-week period when compared to 2023.

TR’s last report on the year-to-date comparison of crime incidents revealed a 6.5% decrease in total crime incidents with violent crime incidents down 11.0% and property crime incidents down 4.2%.

TR’s next year-to-date comparison will be released in the first week of September.

Recent Crime Incident Trends

Over the last four weeks, violent crime incidents have dropped 28.1%. The decline is driven by a 21.0% decrease in assault related incidents and a 30.8% decrease in robbery incidents.

The 5.2% increase in property crimes is the result of an increase residential (11.8%) and commercial burglaries (23.5%).

3 Responses to "Violent Crime Incidents Down 28%, Property Crime Incidents Up 5.2%"

  1. The only reason the numbers are down is because the Sheriff, Walt McNeil refuses to allow his staff to arrest certain criminals. Therefore it is not reported. Those criminals that are arrested, the State Attorney is dropping the charges. It is artificial deflation of the numbers. Tallahassee is not as safe as it used to be.

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