LCS Set for Final Hearing on 2024-25 Budget

LCS Set for Final Hearing on 2024-25 Budget

On September 10, the Leon County School Board will hold the final public hearing related to the FY2024-25 budget.

The total budget is $662 million and includes the General Fund (operating budget) of $368 million. This fund is 55.6% of the total budget. The Special Revenue Fund is budgeted at $90.0 million and represents 13.6% of the overall budget. The remaining balance includes Capital Projects Funds at $130.8 million, and Debt Service at $73.2 million.

The budget supports 51 schools, including 22 elementary, two (2) kindergarten through grade 8 schools, eight (8) middle schools, six (6) high schools, one (1) vocational-technical college, one (1) adult education center, five (5) charter schools, and six (6) special/alternative schools.

The budget provides educational services for 30,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade, and approximately 3,500 adult students at the Lively Technical College.

The budget provides payment for over 2,000 teachers and 450 aides who work directly with students in the classroom.

The budget will enable over 3.8 million meals to be served this year, and transportation ensuring nearly 9,000 students are transported to and from their homes to schools over the 180-day school year.

Over $30 million will be contributed towards over 4,100 employee health insurance premiums at an average cost per covered employee of $7,554.

The budget will allow the School District to maintain and make improvements upon almost $791 million of assets, including $645 million towards buildings and equipment on over 1,200 acres of School Board property.

The final public hearing will be held on September 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at The Aquilina C. Howell Center.

One Response to "LCS Set for Final Hearing on 2024-25 Budget"

  1. I would like to know the total number of Students enrolled in each of the 22 Elementary Schools, in each of the 8 Middle Schools and each of the 6 High Schools. I am sure that the later two are bigger Schools and hold more Students but, if you add up all the Students in the 22 Elementary Schools would it be more or less than the total number of Students in the 8 Middle Schools and then the 6 High Schools? If there are MORE Elementary Students, what is the Drop Out Rate per Grade after the 5th Grade? Yeah, I know, I think about the weirdest things sometimes.

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