City Lands $20.3 Million Federal Grant for Airport

City Lands $20.3 Million Federal Grant for Airport

In a press release, the City of Tallahassee reported that a $20.3 million grant was secured from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to support two critical infrastructure projects at Tallahassee International Airport – enhancements to Taxiway Bravo and the terminal’s central utility plant.

“We set a goal five years ago to increase our receipt of annual grant awards as part of our focus on strong fiscal stewardship practices, and I could not be prouder of the results the team has achieved,” City Manager Reese Goad said. “Through our aggressive approach to identify and apply for competitive state and federal grants, we have brought over $300 million dollars to our community since 2020, which exceeds the total amount of property taxes received by the City during the same period.”

Of the $20.3 million from the FAA, $17 million will support rehabilitation of Taxiway Bravo, the parallel taxiway to TLH’s primary runway 9-27. This project will modernize the taxiway to meet current FAA design and safety standards for airfield geometry, lighting and pavement markings. This grant amount is among the highest awarded in Florida. The additional $3.3 million will facilitate the replacement of the airport terminal’s primary and secondary chilled water system within its central utility plant, furthering ongoing terminal modernization efforts.

The press release noted that the competitive FAA grant opportunities assist airport owners and operators in the development and improvement of the nation’s airport system. It funds airport infrastructure projects such as runways, taxiways, airport signage, airport lighting and airport markings to help strengthen aviation infrastructure nationwide.

5 Responses to "City Lands $20.3 Million Federal Grant for Airport"

  1. I’m not sure about Ben Pingree. Takes a $20,000 pay cut for the job? Seems like he just floats from Government job to Government job to keep a job.

  2. Hmm… more money in grants than city property taxes and yet we cannot get any tax breaks. Something doesn’t sound right here.

  3. In a couple of months, it will be quietly reported that they lost the grant money for improvements due to a bureaucratic snafu, but the airport is still great!
    It seems like that’s what happens every time they make an airport announcement…

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