The Village Square Launches Season 15 of The God Squad

The Village Square Launches Season 15 of The God Squad

The Village Square’s God Squad will be back beginning Monday, September 16 at noon to kick off their 15th year of high-minded conversations on current controversial topics at the intersection of faith and politics — as they continue to (respectfully) ignore our moms’ advice to never discuss politics and religion in polite company. For people of faith or no faith at all — because talking politics wasn’t hard enough —the God Squad is proof of the great things that happen when people of goodwill engage respectfully across their differences.

During the 2024-25 season, the politically diverse faith leaders will wade into challenging topics and use their trademark “go high” approach:

Monday September 16, 2024 12-1pm @ WFSU Studios: Church v State

We are grabbing the bull by the horns and launching this season with a discussion of Church v State. As we barrel toward America’s 250th, one could argue that if we crack up before we get there (some bad days we’d take even odds), it’ll have something to do with the complexity of being in charge of executing one of the founders’ biggest ideas — that no government would force citizens to worship a certain way in this new nation of theirs.

October 25, 2024 from noon to 1pm @ Co-Cathedral at St. Thomas More: Lost and Found.

America’s young adults are not OK. It’s time to take a good, close listen and have a frank conversation about the spiking anxiety & depression in this time of disruption and disconnection.

February 21, 2025 from noon to 1pm @ First Baptist Church: Ten Paces at High Noon

We’re both easily offended and trigger-happy. What could go wrong? “Sticks and stones may break my bones” seems quaint and anachronistic in today’s culture of maximal aggrievement.

April 4, 2025 from noon to 1pm at Temple Israel: America 4th (…and other joyous schemes to unite a dangerously divided people…)

It’s high time we talk about what we can find in common so we can move toward the better times we’re determined are right around the corner.

God Squad regulars, who maintain respectful and durable friendships despite their differences of opinion, include: Father Tim Holeda of the Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More, Pastor Latricia Scriven of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Pastor Josh Hall of First Baptist Church, Pastor Joseph Davis, Jr. of Truth Gatherers Community Church, and Rabbi Paul Sidlofsky of Temple Israel.

God Squad programs are $10 (free registration option available) and a reservation is required. To get more information about God Squad or to reserve your seat visit: WFSU will air this recording on Sunday, Sept 23 @ 11am on WFSUTV

About The Village Square: Founded 18 years ago in Tallahassee, The Village Square is building the town hall of the 21st century across societal divisions that are tearing communities apart. The Village Square is led by a politically and racially diverse group of community leaders devoted to building civic trust between people who don’t look or think alike.

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