August Single-Family Construction Permits Continue Downward Trend

August Single-Family Construction Permits Continue Downward Trend

According to filings with Leon County and the City of Tallahassee, the number of single-family new construction permits was down 46.7% in August 2024 when compared to August 2023.

There were 32 permits issued in August 2024, down 28 from the 60 permits issued one year ago. There were 44 permits issued last month.

The value of the August 2024 permits was $8.3 million, down 49.7% from the $16.5 million reported in August 2023.

The 3-Mnth Avg. data (Jun-Aug) – which smooths out the month-to-month volatility – shows a 39.7% decrease in the number of permits issued over the same 3-month period one year ago.

The 3-Mnth Avg. data show a 33.3% decrease in monthly average permit value during this period. The 3-month average permit values fell from $15.3 million in August 2023 to 10.2 million in August 2024.

The chart below shows the number of permits issued each month for the last 36-month period. A 12-Mnth Avg. line is also included.

One Response to "August Single-Family Construction Permits Continue Downward Trend"

  1. It seems that Elected Officials, Lobbyists, Developers and Builders seem to forget that Tallahassee is mostly State Employee’s, Middle & Low Income Families, Students, and Retired People, and that so many people can afford Homes that are $250,000 and up. It seems that every new Subdivision being built now have a sign that says “Homes STARTING in the Mid $300,000”.

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