Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs: September 17, 2024

Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs: September 17, 2024

Below are the briefs from the Leon County Commission meeting on September 17, 2024.

The Board voted to adopt agenda item 29, the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Tentative Millage Rate and Tentative Budget. The budget is balanced at $377 million, with an operating budget of $349 million and the Capital Improvement Program at $28 million. The new budget will include no new taxes or fee increases, and no change to county wide millage rates. The Board’s effort to cut costs resulted in $12 million in savings from this year’s budget. Option 1 for the Countywide millage rate of 8.3144 mills was approved in a 6-1 vote with County Commissioner Christian Caban in opposition. Option 2,3,4 and 5 were all voted unanimously 6-0 (Commissioner Proctor was out of chambers).

The Board voted unanimously 6-0 to approve agenda Item 30, an adoption of a resolution approving and adopting the local provider participation fund. This resolution will provide $49 million in gross federal and local provider participation funding that would be paid out to local hospitals.

The Board voted unanimously 6-0 to revise agenda Item 31, to revise Chapter 8, Article V, Section 8-156 of the Leon County Code of Laws to modify the membership of the affordable housing advisory committee. This revision will create a new category for appointment to the AHAC, specifically for individuals who currently benefit from rental housing assistance, have benefited from an affordable homeownership program, or experienced an eviction within the last 10 years.

The Board voted unanimously 7-0 agenda Item 32, to bring back the Federal Fiscal Year 2023 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Opportunity for a second hearing. The Community Development Block Grant Opportunity (CDBG) are federal funds that are used to improve the quality of life and economic quality of low to moderate households in distressed communities. The four types of ways these funds can be used are through housing rehabilitation for up to $750k, neighborhood rehabilitation for up to $750k, commercial revitalization for up to $750k, and economic development for up to $1.5 million.

The Board voted unanimously 7-0 to approve agenda Item 24, authorizing Ring Power Corporation to design and install a new power distribution system within the Leon County Detention Center in the amount of $1,277,729. The Board says this was a competitively bid contract and ensures the lowest possible cost and maximum benefit.

The Board voted unanimously 7-0 to approve agenda Item 25, reviewing a new crime analysis for 32304 and West Pensacola Street. Leon County has seen an increase of 33% of crimes reported over the past five years, and 32304 reports the most crimes of any zip code in Tallahassee. The report details efforts to reduce crimes by addressing nuisance activities through policy, stakeholder engagement, reducing homelessness, and promoting economic growth.

The Board voted unanimously 7-0 to table agenda Item 26, street renaming options to honor President Barack Obama. The Board stated that they are waiting until Commissioner Proctor is back in person.

The Board voted unanimously 7-0 to approve agenda Item 27, reappointing David B. Ramsay and Thomas W. Allen III to the Leon County Research and Development Authority Board of Governors (LCRDA). These appointments come from recommendations by the LCRDA nominating committee for 4 year terms ending on September 30, 2028.

The Board voted to approve agenda Item 28, appointments to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee, Big Bend Health Council, Council on Culture and Arts, Joint City/County Bicycling Workgroup, and Tallahassee Leon County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls. Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Commission appointment was substituted to appoint Jovanna Parker with a 5-2 vote.

2 Responses to "Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs: September 17, 2024"

  1. You want Crime to drop? Give the proper Charges, stop giving Sweetheart Deals for Guilty Pleas, give longer Sentences, and charge Bail Fee’s of $100 per each $Thousand Dollars Bail.

    STOP Renaming Streets. It costs the People living on those Streets Time and Money PLUS everyone that wants to send them a Letter or Package will have to be notified on the change. Any Businesses will have to change a LOT, all the Business Cards, Signage, Advertising, etc. Here is a thought, start naming Sidewalks.

  2. “The report details efforts to reduce crimes by addressing nuisance activities through policy, stakeholder engagement, reducing homelessness, and promoting economic growth.” …what total crapola. You address the 33% increase in crime by enforcing the law through such common sense actions as stopping traffic violations, running the plates for wants and warrants and taking those in violation into custody. When you reduce the number of criminals on the street crime will drop.

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