On Thursday, September 26, at 5:00 p.m., the Children’s Services Council of Leon County (CSC) will hold a public hearing to consider approving a milage rate that will increase property taxes by 10%, or approximately $800,000.
The meeting will be held at 2002 Old St. Augustine Rd, Suite A-50.
Last year’s property tax levy collected $8,041,098. Due to increases in property values, the tax levy will collect $8,8443,991 in the upcoming year.
Provided below is the CSC “Tentative Operating Budget” for the fiscal year 2024-25.
The CSC projects to have total revenues and reserves of $9,078,600 in FY2025 with $6,788,943 allocated to “Program Investments & Supports”.

That should be about the same time a CAT 3
hurricane hits their building.
How apropos.
I didn’t vote for anyone on the CSC why do they think they can raise my taxes? They haven’t done anything for any children in Leon County. CSC has to go, they are takers of our money and it only benefits them. Go look at all the brand-new high-end cars parked in their lot on St. Augustine Rd…
Always keep in mind that the first person to propose the idea and even mention the name Children’s Services Council was non-other than Mayor John Dailey back when he was a County Commissioners. He pushed to have it put on the ballot because he knew the uninformed voters would be certain to vote for something that was presented to them as a program to “help the little children.” You can’t vote against something that’s going to help the little children can you? What kind of a monster would that make you?
Shouldn’t this say the revenue collected will go up by 10% because of the increase in property value? The millage rate itself will not go up by 10%. The way it is currently worded that’s what it sounds like you’re saying.
The only way to fix this is through the legislature. There is no way unelected members of this (or any) community should have the power to raise taxes. If it is not downright unconstitutional, it ought to be. The next CSC meeting ought to be packed.
@ Maria = From what I remember, Desloge and Lindley were the only ones against the CSC but Desloge was the only one to Vote against it.
Bryan Desloge voted for it. Matlow and Proctor opposed the tax.
This is beyond wrong. Every one of them is on the take . Disband this bunch of thieves.
Here are members of the CSC. I have an acquaintance on this committee, and I have contacted that person to let them know that I oppose the increase.
As expected… Not a shred of evidence or empirical data that supports the existence of this operation or shows this slush fund has benefitted anyone.
Classic Marxocrat operation… “Always More; Never Enough”
THIS is what Commissioner Bryan Desloge was telling us. They have NO Oversite and answer to No One. They do not have to tell us how they Spend their Money and can Raise our Property Taxes if they want to. The CSC needs to go or at the very least, be put under the Eyes of the County/City Commissioners and have their Budget come from them and not from Property Taxes.