The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Wednesday, October 23, 2024


The Tallahassee City Commission will hold a meeting today at city hall. See the agenda here.

Just five weeks after the last reported Leon County campus arrest, a Godby High School student was arrested on campus Tuesday morning, according to a Leon County Schools spokesperson.

A shooting occurred early Tuesday morning in north Leon County, leaving one pregnant woman and her unborn child dead and a man behind bars, according to the Leon County Sheriff’s Office.


On October 16th the high school golf City Championships took place at Hilaman Country Club. Get the results.


Gov. Ron DeSantis continued attacking Florida’s abortion rights initiative Tuesday as he repeated previous claims that the political committee behind Amendment 4 is lying in commercials and warned that if voters approve the measure, abortions will be allowed right up to birth.

Yet another late poll of the Sunshine State, this one released as early voting is underway in many counties, suggests it’s too late for Kamala Harris to make a play for Florida’s electoral votes.


A POLITICO analysis of Trump’s campaign schedule since the Republican National Convention in mid-July, plus ad spending by his campaign, shows the former president is waging what amounts to a very traditional campaign in the core swing states.

FAA approves regulations permitting electric vertical takeoff vehicles, or eVTOLs, opening the door for an emerging air taxi industry; marks the first new category of aircraft recognized since 1940 (More). 

US stock markets close mixed (S&P 500 -0.1%, Dow -0.0%, Nasdaq +0.2%) amid election uncertainty, questions over the Federal Reserve’s plan to cut interest rates (More


14 Responses to "The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Wednesday, October 23, 2024"

  1. Tony – Well said. As I commented previously, I am pro life, but I am also pro choice. The timing of the choice is what separates me from many others. In my opinion, the choice is made when a man and a woman decide to have unprotected sex with no sense of commitment to one another. Once the act is done and a life is created it’s too late. Their argument lacks logic. Many pro choice people are also fervently opposed to the death penalty. So, they are willing to kill an innocent baby while saving the life of a violent convicted criminal. It’s a kind of willful intellectual blindness. The college student you mentioned may also have that characteristic.

  2. I was listening to the Radio, Ben Shapiro was on. He was at a Campus and a Girl asked him what an Abortion was. He said it was a Forced Killing of a Fetus or Baby. She argued against it then asked what a “C Section” was. He said it was a Live Birth of a Baby. She argued against that too saying that it too is an Abortion. He just let her ramble on a bit. I kept thinking, “OMG, she is in College”. That is when it hit me, she doesn’t know what happens during an Abortion. Every Candidate running for Office and is FOR Abortion should be made to show an Up Close and personal Full Color Video of an ACTUAL Abortion being done with the Volume turned up so it could be heard in the back of the room when they talk about being for Abortion. That why, everyone KNOWS what happens when an Abortion take place.

  3. SHS – I am pro-life. But, it is a fact that abortion is legal in the U.S. Therefore, a woman who decides to abort her child CANNOT be charged with murder. Murder is a crime that does not apply mothers who kill their unborn children. Does that clarify the issue for you?

  4. @ Dee Christensen …… You said, “The best government is that which governs least.” ….. Does that mean the Government should STOP using Our Tax Dollars for Abortions and stop giving our Tax Dollars to Planned Parenthood and other Clinics that perform Abortions? As long as our Tax Dollars are used for Abortions, WE ALL Should have a Say.

  5. When Republicans in Florida can handle the small problems effecting this state: climate mitigation/change; housing insurance; mass shootings; pandemics like COVID that killed over 80,000 Floridians; the disaster that is the Department of Children and Family Services etc. etc. etc? When after twenty plus years in power they can handle those problems? Maybe then they will have a modicum of credibility to even discuss topics like abortion.Until then? I’m going back to the old Republican mantra: The best government is that which governs least.

  6. @ TallyPatriot

    “Not your place, governments place, or anyone’s place to dictate what a woman can do to her body.”

    The government already says a woman can’t legally prostitute her body. They also say she cannot legally put available “street drugs” into her body, including marijuana.. She cannot use her body to control a weapon to cause harm or death to another person. She cannot display her nude body in public. And so on from our various forms of government that tell woman, and men, what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Abortion is just another one of those issues that may or may not eventually be added to the “can’t list.”

  7. Tally Patriot- Let me educate YOU. That baby is Not the woman’s body. It is a separate body growing Inside her body. PERIOD. Therefore, she is making a decision to kill another body, which is not her own. Pretty simple to comprehend, Even for those with low IQ like yourself.

  8. The man who killed the pregnant Mom and her unborn child, was charged with two counts (Two People) of ‘Manslaughter’…according to a local news site. Again…Two people.

  9. David…YES because someone attacked the woman. It is about HER body HER choice. If someone attacks her and kills her that wasn’t her choice. Get it? It isn’t that difficult to comprehend. or is it too much for you?

  10. SHS Let me educate you. It is all about the autonomy of the woman and her body. Not your place, governments place, or anyone’s place to dictate what a woman can do to her body. PERIOD The false equivalency you bring up is ludacris. It isn’t the woman’s choice if someone attacks her body and kills her unborn fetus. Pretty simple to comprehend, Even for those with low IQ like yourself.

  11. Steve Jay- You are missing David’s point which is a good one. Let me break it down for you in a Common Sense way. Amendment 4 legalizes the killing of babies. A murderer who kills a pregnant woman, also kills the baby. The murder is illegal. How is abortion any different? A little common sense is all that is needed.

  12. Mr. Hawkins – Of course two murders would have occurred. Your question is nonsensical. A little common sense is all that is needed.

  13. On today’s city commission agenda is a 2.2M agreement for Technology that was not subject to an RFP.

    “A managed services agreement ($2,268,151.16) will enable all support and maintenance on the network and server environments for the city, including scaling up and down as needed to support the implementation of technical solutions and maintain applications. These environments and the hardware are essential for daily operations for the entire City of Tallahassee and are utilized by all city departments and residents.

    These annual maintenance renewals and lease agreements are prepared as first-quarter agreements. Due to staggered renewal periods, *additional maintenance agreements may be presented for approval in the subsequent quarters of the fiscal year.*”

    The technology and infrastructure group has been bleeding employees for a few months due to toxic leadership, so now, the ‘leadership’ in that area is trying to replace the FTEs with hired contractors. There will be tons of ‘additional maintenance agreements’ later on, but none of those will be subject to an RFP either!

  14. If Amendment 4 Passes and someone Murders a Woman that is 6 Months Pregnant, will the Murderer still be Charged with TWO Murders?

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