Executive Committee Recommends No Pay Raise for CSC Director

Executive Committee Recommends No Pay Raise for CSC Director

On Thursday, December 5, 2024, the Executive Committee of the Children’s Services Council of Leon County (CSC Leon) addressed the performance evaluation of Executive Director Cecka Rose Green and voted not to recommend a salary increase to the full Board.

The Executive Committee consists of three members: Chair Darryl Jones, Treasure Paul Mitchell, and Vice-Chair Terrence Watts.

Green who was appointed in 2021 currently makes $128,750 annually. With her contract expiring at the end of the year, Green is asking for a pay increase in addition to a vehicle allowance ranging from $250 to $300 a month.

Green’s current contract treats the executive director position equivalent to a senior management position in Florida state government. Under this treatment, Green receives a $40,685 (31.6% of annual salary) annual retirement contribution and is also covered by a healthcare plan which costs approximately $40,000 per year.

The full nine-member council will vote on Dec. 19 to decide the fate of her compensation as her contract is up for renewal by Dec. 31.

Performance Evaluation

The first item on the meeting agenda was Green’s performance evaluation. The evaluation is based on scores related to five benchmarks: planning, financial and program management, operations management, community relations and advocacy, and governing council relations.

Each benchmark is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5. Provided below is the evaluation matrix for 2023 and 2024.

For 2023 and 2024, Green’s average evaluation exceeded the score of 3 in all categories. However, here scores for each of the five benchmarks declined from 2023 to 2024.

During the Executive Committe meeting, it was decided that Chair Jones would meet with Green to develop a plan of action to address any criticisms related to her performance.

In addition, Mitchell recommended that Green meet with each board member.

Pay Raise, Car Allowance

The Executive Committee addressed the request for a car allowance and a pay raise.

On the car allowance, Green requested a $250 to $300 payment to address her travel expenses in Leon County. However, the Executive Committee agreed that instead of a car allowance, Green should follow the current policy which allows her to expense any mileage related to her duties.

Green also requested a pay raise. Both Mitchell and Watt were against any pay raise.

Mitchell noted that the Green’s benefit package was worth over $200,000 and beyond any pay packages provided to other CSC directors around the state.

Watts was also against a pay raise. “I’m not in favor of a raise,” vice chair Terrance Watts said. “I think the salary is sufficient right now.”

However, Chair Jones disagreed.

“She had a good evaluation. She hasn’t received a raise in two years and her contract is up for renewal and I think the time is right now to do it,” Jones said. He recommended a 5% increase, the same amount as recent raises awarded to employees of the county and the city.

In end, the Executive Committee voted 3-0 not to recommend a pay raise to the full council.

The full nine-member council will vote on Dec. 19 to decide the fate of her compensation as her contract is up for renewal by Dec. 31.

9 Responses to "Executive Committee Recommends No Pay Raise for CSC Director"

  1. $213,035 a year with benefits and she has the audacity to request a raise? Hell, don’t just deny the raise, fire her.

  2. And if you look at the two performance evaluation charts, her evaluation numbers decreased in all five categories. How do you get a raise when your performance went down?

  3. This is the biggest boondoggle in Tallahassee history. They raise our property taxes at will, and they are not elected. Get rid of this waste.

  4. How much do the other 9 People Earn in Salary & Benefits? WHY are they given a Car Allowance? She is proving to be GREEDY so please do NOT renew her Contract, find someone else to do her Job cheaper, I am sure you can.

    Personally, I wish you would just get rid of the CSC all together.

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