Leon County Single Family Construction Permits Down 25.5% in 2024

Leon County Single Family Construction Permits Down 25.5% in 2024

According to annual data published by Leon County and the City of Tallahassee, single-family residential construction permits issued in Leon County were down 25.5% in 2024 when compared to 2023.

There were 517 SFR construction permits issued in 2024, down 175 permits from the 692 issued in 2023.

The chart below shows that since 2021, when 828 permits were issued, the number of permits have trended down. The average number of permits over the last three years is approximately 36% off the peak in 2021.

The downward trend in Leon County is consistent with national numbers, yet more pronounced. The Census Bureau reports that since a peak in 2021, new residential construction permits issued nationally have declined by approximately 20% over a three period.

2 Responses to "Leon County Single Family Construction Permits Down 25.5% in 2024"

  1. @ Publius = Don’t you know that infrastructure is the LAST thing the City and County worry about when it comes to Developments? Just look at the Canopy Subdivision. A Thousand Homes, Apartments, and Businesses and that drop it between two major Canopy Roads that they passed Laws not to be able to widen them and they didn’t do the relevant Math. There is bound to be about 2500 Vehicles parked at all those Homes and Apartments plus the ones coming and going because of the Businesses. I went to the Meetings before it was approved and asked just one Question: “HOW ARE YOU GOING TO MOVE THE CARS?” They just had a blank star on their Faces so I explained my Math that THEY didn’t do, about all the Vehicles going in and out of that place with the one Entrance. Everyone there finally understood what I was talking about and started shaking their Heads. They refused to answer my question and ended the meeting soon after.

  2. Just the effects of Canopy’s buildout- soon will increase as the NE Gateway and its development out Mahan kicks off. Has TR asked Planning Dept what is in the works? Better yet, how is the infrastructure setup for added loads??

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