Leon County Loses 485 Jobs, Workforce Shrinks in December

Leon County Loses 485 Jobs, Workforce Shrinks in December

The latest employment report shows that the number of jobs in Leon County fell in December when compared to November. There were 157,699 people working in Leon County in December compared to November’s revised employment number of 158,184, a decline of 485 jobs.

The December unemployment rate came in at 3.2%, down from the 3.7% reported last month. This drop was due to a decline in the workforce.

There were 162,961 people in the workforce in December, down from 164,646 in November.

One year ago, the November 2023 unemployment rate was 3.2%.

Year Over Year Comparisons

The Leon County Jobs Report, provided below, shows the number of people working in November 2024 was 708 less than in November 2023. The November labor force – those looking for jobs – came in at 165,333 which was 438 more than the number reported one year ago.

The chart below shows the monthly level of jobs in Leon County over the last 37 months with a 12-month average trend line. The highlighted numbers relate to employment levels for the month of December back to 2021.

8 Responses to "Leon County Loses 485 Jobs, Workforce Shrinks in December"

  1. It’s Florida’s sanctuary city. Liberals not only dominant Tallahassee. They punish anymore conservative . The population dropped 2022-2023. As more low middle class to middle class jobs decline. Business terminate employee’s if they are found to be Republican. The legal counsel of the pervious Democratic Governor and his wife head up this cause in the shadows with other attorneys like Morgan and Morgan as well as other business. Including one very unscrupulous Moving company as well as the Tallahassee Democrat. If it’s not addressed Florida will because the next California.

  2. @ Steve #2
    By showing “Jobs Added ” like you did, you’re basically saying, “We lost LESS jobs in December 2024 than we did in December 2023, so we actually GAINED jobs. Most people with “Commonsense” would say, “That’s pretty strange.”

  3. I bet most of the lost jobs have to do with FSU football going 2-10 last season. Nobody wants to visit Tallahassee to see the Seminoles get whipped by the likes of Memphis.

  4. With all the wild swings monthly, TR needs to present the detailed reports showing specifically what sectors of the labor market are going up and down.

  5. The way Tallahassee Reports plays around with numbers to distort what is factually happening just continues to amaze me.

    The fact is, in December 2023 158,603 people were employed. Now, one year later in December 2024, 157,699 were employed. That’s a yearly loss of 904 employed people.

    Showing that 483 jobs were added in the month of December 2024 is meaningless and just plain strange.

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